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Nick Brumfield
Researcher on Yemen, Middle East, Maritime Security | BA Ohio University, MA Georgetown University | Posts about the Middle East, Appalachia, and what I'm reading | From WV/Mid-Ohio Valley, based in DC | Getting hostile in my mentions gets a block
2.9k followers1.3k following12.2k posts

If I was living in Pennsylvania or Michigan I might have a different view of things. Idk. I tell everyone it's a tough sitch, and anyone who pretends it's not doesn't understand the stakes or is deliberately ignoring them.


I’m in a safe blue state and am similarly struggling.

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Nick Brumfield
Researcher on Yemen, Middle East, Maritime Security | BA Ohio University, MA Georgetown University | Posts about the Middle East, Appalachia, and what I'm reading | From WV/Mid-Ohio Valley, based in DC | Getting hostile in my mentions gets a block
2.9k followers1.3k following12.2k posts