Full-time after school / summer camp teacher, part-time writer / tabletop designer / artist; he/him/they/them; 100% nerd and autistic
302 followers380 following2.1k posts

A fun worldbuilding aspect is how sleazy and cheap surrounding Seegson is. A good example is how they make knockoffs of Wey-Yu robots and play off the fact that they look like uncanny valley mannequins and can barely hold a conversation as a *selling point* by playing on anti-synthetic paranoia.

An in game advertisement for Seegson showing off the Working Joe androids.

The header reads "Our Synthetics Are Built, Not Created."

Below is the company slogan "Seegson. Tomorrow, Together." Then the Seegson logo.

After this copy reads "Each Working Joe® synthetic at Seegson is subjected to thousands of safety checks before being brought online. That's because we understand we're building machines - not people."

When I put together my own writeup on corporations in the ALIEN universe for my campaign (which you can read here I tried to follow Isolation's example, as playing each corporate culture as awful in its own unique way, rather than just a bunch of Wey-Yu copies.

Full-time after school / summer camp teacher, part-time writer / tabletop designer / artist; he/him/they/them; 100% nerd and autistic
302 followers380 following2.1k posts