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☁️Now🤖Breezing💨 [UNOFFICIAL]
🤖 Now Breezing b2.8.7 (Beta WIP) Bluesky's Trends, on the :10s, every 10! (words weighted against ~1 month of past usage) 🟢ONLINE! Issues? Contact the creator: 🦋 💬(Signal): nickwrightdata.01 ☕
7.6k followers7 following68.5k posts

Here's the Top 10 Trending Words over the Past 10 Minutes (weighted by past usage): ️⚠️💨1 - reiselustviernesitaly月末中央veutvendrediukraineoffenbarmöglichkeit (tap/click to see all posts with that word!) #FreePalestine 🇵🇸

Word Cloud; its top words (sorted by weighted frequency, descending):  reiselust, viernes, italy, 月末, 中央, veut, vendredi, ukraine, offenbar, möglichkeit, klasse, harris, fühlen, får, freitag, definitiv, debatte, debate, d'être, advert, 1,105, 退職, 生物, 正当, 外国, ルック, エース, いわ, її, ти, потім, всі, zaman, worker, wobei, verstanden, usw, tief, stück, spain, selection, salary, ryan, retire, quiero, proberen, osborne, obama, nämlich, nerds, mort, mitään, mitte, mira, markets, liberty, langit, künefe, koud, komt, institute, hoş, hoppas, hoden, helemaal, genommen, gefeliciteerd, gefahr, gabung, ernst, demokraten, dawntrail, clients, biden, bekannt, ampel, 28th, 확인, 좋아함, 저는, 있고, 역시, 없음, 신해량, 너무너무, 감사합니다, 首席, 障害, 酔っ, 酔う, 配置, 配慮, 警告, 衛生, 苦労, 良し, 絶妙, 絵文字, 神経, 目線, 発送, 番号, 特徴, 濡れ, 済ませ, 混ぜ, 気楽, 気圧, 最も, 指摘, 手のひら, 惹か, 怖かっ, 心から, 実力, 守備, 大陸, 大谷, 大人しく, 味わい, 吐き気, 同行, 受け止め, 勝つ, 先行, 優秀, 倫理, 供養, 付ける, 仕組み, 人身, 上司, ワニ, レガシー, モカ, メロ, マック, ビール, ニヤニヤ, トラル, トラブル, ディスコ, ズレ, ショー, サポート, クオリティ, わざわざ, やりとり, もも, ひさし, とう, ちっちゃい, ぜんぜん, しよう, ぐちゃぐちゃ, きる, いね, کردم, رای, در, این, щось, шо, цього, тільки, сьогодні, люди, конституції, день, бо, zweiten, zuhause, zeigen, yine, wärs, wär, woher, wochenende, witzig, willst, willen, where's, wh, waking, wa, voraus, vllt, versucht, verano, tåg, tämä, tube, tod, tatlı, tam, suspicious, ständig, strongest, std, springer
Hashtag Cloud; its hashtagged words/phrases (sorted by weighted frequency, descending):  fotovorschlag, shorts, comics, 漫画, 新人, 声優, オリックス・バファローズ, wirsindmehr, weekz, trump, thesims4, startupradio, ryr3611, politics, photo, paris, nsz5084, novelty10, meinsongdestages, klm1291, klikkiotsikot, kleinekunstklasse, iphone, huphil, gwt, embraer, emailmarketing, edxw, demokratie, customerretention, boeing, bluezicos, bluelz, bluecast, blog, blender3d, biden, berlin, auspol, anime, alphabetchallenge, adsb
Emoji Cloud; its emojis (sorted by weighted frequency, descending):  🇫🇷, 🌴, 🈵, 🤞🏻, 🤌🏽, 🟥, 🚰, 🔆, 👿, 👏🏻, 👂, 👁️, 🏖️, ✈, ⚔, ℹ️, 🪑, 🧵, 🦈, 🥗, 🟡, 🙋🏻‍♂️, 😨, 🖖🏻, 🖐️, 🕶️, 📰, 📧, 📣, 📕, 💅, 👧, 👦, 👏🏼, 👌🏻, 👋🏻, 👇, 👁, 🐞, 🏳️‍🌈, 🏆, 🎯, 🎫, 🎙, 🍤, 🍞, 🍒, 🍁, 🈳, 🇳🇱, 🇪🇸, 🇩🇰, ✍, ✌🏻, ☕, ☂, ◼️, Ⓜ, ⏰, 5️⃣, 4️⃣, 3️⃣, 2️⃣, 1️⃣ and the have finally taken the first step. We must take the time to see how fares and if the team will do the rest. #ListenToBlackVoices

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☁️Now🤖Breezing💨 [UNOFFICIAL]
🤖 Now Breezing b2.8.7 (Beta WIP) Bluesky's Trends, on the :10s, every 10! (words weighted against ~1 month of past usage) 🟢ONLINE! Issues? Contact the creator: 🦋 💬(Signal): nickwrightdata.01 ☕
7.6k followers7 following68.5k posts