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Hanne Oberman
PhD candidate | she/her, they/them | rstats | missing data | dataviz | open science | rainbowR 🌈 | other @s
150 followers380 following5 posts

#useR2024 talk to me about missing data!

Poster presented at useR!  Visualization of incomplete and imputed data With the R package ggmice  Visualizations for mice with ggplot2 Enhance a mice imputation workflow with ggmice for visualizations of incomplete  and/or imputed data. The resulting ggplot objects may be easily manipulated or  extended. Use ggmice to inspect missing  data, develop imputation models, evaluate  algorithmic convergence, or compare observed  versus imputed data.   The ggmice package can be installed from  CRAN with install.packages(‘ggmice’).  Subsequently, the packages vignettes may be  retrieved with ??ggmice. More extensive  documentation can be found on the package  website: Package  contributions and bug reports are welcome  through the development repository.  Using mice for missing data The R package mice has become the de facto  standard to handle the ubiquitous problem of  incomplete data. With mice, missing data  points are ‘imputed’ (i.e. filled in) to obtain  several comple

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Hanne Oberman
PhD candidate | she/her, they/them | rstats | missing data | dataviz | open science | rainbowR 🌈 | other @s
150 followers380 following5 posts