Olaf Moriarty Solstrand
Han/honom, 41, Bærum. Bibliotekar, tidlegare teikneserieskapar. Liker å lage ting. Iallfall å prøve. Spela mine: Alt anna eg driver med:
576 followers331 following2.3k posts

(Mel. Total Eclipse of the Heart)

Every now and then a girl is killed with a blunt object and they say that when it smells, it's the Butz
Every now and there was a witness who Sahwit, who claims he was selling newspapers there
Every now and then he says the time was 1 PM, and I realize that that is a lie
Every now and then I point my finger, shout "Objection!" and then he throws his wig in my eye
(Turnabout, Wright guy)
Every now and then I go to court
(Turnabout, Wright guy)
Every now and then I go to court
And I'll stand by you in the fight
And I'll protect you on your journey
Because my name is Phoenix Wright
And I'll be your Ace Attorney
Now he claims there was video on site
But the power was gone
This guy is clearly guilty, but how can I find
A way to prove the clock was slow at the time of the crime
My time is running out, before the gavel knocks
I must turn things around and think outside of the box
I'll be your lawyer tonight
The phoenix's gonna rise tonight
A phoenix known as Phoenix Wright

Cindy set the time when she travelled to France
I present to you her passport
There's nothing Payne can do
Total acquittal in court

Olaf Moriarty Solstrand
Han/honom, 41, Bærum. Bibliotekar, tidlegare teikneserieskapar. Liker å lage ting. Iallfall å prøve. Spela mine: Alt anna eg driver med:
576 followers331 following2.3k posts