Oregon against Red Velvet Committee 🕎
A Jew Sticking to mostly PNW, Nerd topics, DnD, TTPRG, Superheros, Wrestling, controversial cooking and baking hot takes social justice is inclusive, not here to argue about anything. bi but ace please no horny
4.2k followers1k following5.2k posts


Alt text added (up to the character limit; continued in following comment)

Tumblr: @reginaldqueribundus
the Federation itself as a concept is so funny because the founding
members are
- the Vulcans, who have been friends with humanity for years but don't seem to actually like them all that much, instead regarding them with a sort of perverse fascination usually reserved for
virology labs
- the Andorians, who were fighting the Vulcans for like a hundred years
- the Tellarites, who don't like any of these people and whose cultural trait is arguing, and
- humans, whom nobody knew existed until last century when they shot themselves into space on a heavily modified nuke, invented world peace and won a fight with the nearest imperial
superpower (alt text continued in next comment in thread)

The entire Romulan infiltration of Vulcan was screwed over by Human interference.

Oregon against Red Velvet Committee 🕎
A Jew Sticking to mostly PNW, Nerd topics, DnD, TTPRG, Superheros, Wrestling, controversial cooking and baking hot takes social justice is inclusive, not here to argue about anything. bi but ace please no horny
4.2k followers1k following5.2k posts