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Comments on end stage capitalism.
Displaced #bospoli to MAINE! Person of @LizzieTask. Organizer, worker, writer, underemployed freelancer w an MBA & PhD & student debt, mistake maker, complexity holder, queer as in who I love + anticapitalist + abolitionist, #StopCopCity #StopTheSweeps
243 followers500 following1.6k posts
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We're science fiction writers. Of course we write stories about the consequences of technological innovations, and no one ever comprehends the story is about the consequences and not the technologyWe're science fiction writers. Of course we write stories about the consequences of technological innovations, and no one ever comprehends the story is about the consequences and not the technology

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Me: *spends 15 minutes massaging my dog in warm water and scented soap, then takes another ten minutes meticulously drying him and telling him what a good boy he is* My dog: That was the worst experience of my life!


I put mine on hibernate a few months ago & it was the best move of my life

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Briefly opened up LinkedIn intending to post something but I had to close it again before the overwhelming weight of the achievement porn put me in danger of quitting my job and going to live in a cave

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My friend Tracy is in an emergency. You might know her from writer Twitter. Sweet, decent person. Already disabled, she began getting sicker in October, lost her job 2 months ago. Single parent. Rent now more than disability payments. She’s just gotten a liver disease DX. Please spread the word

Support a Family in Need During Health Crisis, organized by Tracy Spangler
Support a Family in Need During Health Crisis, organized by Tracy Spangler

Hi! I'm sorry to ask, but I really need help. I'm disabled and have … Tracy Spangler needs your support for Support a Family in Need During Health Crisis


This biggest and most self-soothing thing I have learned is that there is very little I can control without resources. Right now I can rest a bit more, drink more water, and try to pace my work. There is no reason to worry or be upset. If I’m very sick or a little sick I have those same resources.

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Happy birthday Frida Khalo. Disabled icon and feminist comrade. Born on July 6, 1907.

Black and white portrait of Frida Khalo.
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I don’t like the current discourse for any number of reasons, but I sure wish it could be conducted with a little less brutally dehumanizing language about old people.

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Black women have the LOWEST employment rate of the past five years, the GOP is reattacking Black teachers , people tell you they are confused and need resources and we shout “media literacy” And every 2025 story leaves that out And there’s no comparable coverage


These fake recruiters have reached another level in Dystopia 24 It’s as if they know my desperation by my credit store, what I bought at the market pharmacy, and my phone history that reveals I haven’t been out after 8pm since 2019 except for the odd dog walk — confirmed by my dog’s tracking device

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Comments on end stage capitalism.
Displaced #bospoli to MAINE! Person of @LizzieTask. Organizer, worker, writer, underemployed freelancer w an MBA & PhD & student debt, mistake maker, complexity holder, queer as in who I love + anticapitalist + abolitionist, #StopCopCity #StopTheSweeps
243 followers500 following1.6k posts