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Omar Wasow
Asst Prof, UC Berkeley, Political Science. Study protests, stats & race: 1/ Agenda Seeding 2/ Race as a Bundle of Sticks
4.4k followers1.8k following942 posts

This paper on “defiant pride” by Mashail Malik is about a Muslim party in Karachi, but I found myself thinking of MAGA: “high-identifying group members are more forgiving of malfeasance by ethnic parties and more likely to trade-off material goods with symbolic goods”

Demanding Dignity:
Origins & Consequences of Ethnic Voting
Mashail Malik, March 23, 2024
Why do some voters remain loyal to ethnic parties when these parties have done little to improve their material welfare? I develop a theory that centers the role of dignity concerns in explaining within-group variation in loyalty. Group members who face more discrimination respond with defiant pride, which manifests as ethnicity be- coming a larger part of the self-concept. This heightened ethnic identification creates a demand for dignity through descriptive representation. Consequently, high-identifying group members are more forgiving of malfeasance by ethnic parties and more likely to trade-off material goods with symbolic goods. I provide qualitative, descriptive, and experimental evidence for this argument from the context of Karachi, Pakistan – a di- verse megacity ruled for three decades by a poorly governing ethnic party. This paper pushes the literature on ethnic voting beyond do
Table 2: Experimental Effects by High and Low Identification
Figure 3: Token Allocation Exercise to Measure Strength of Ethnic Identification. Figure 3 above reproduces the categories respondents were asked to choose between while allocating 10 tokens in accordance with their self-concept.
Figure 4: How Ethnic Party Partisanship and Willingness to Tolerate Corruption Vary by Strength of Ethnic Identification

thanks for sharing!

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Omar Wasow
Asst Prof, UC Berkeley, Political Science. Study protests, stats & race: 1/ Agenda Seeding 2/ Race as a Bundle of Sticks
4.4k followers1.8k following942 posts