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Owen Boswarva
772 followers742 following675 posts

I don't think the UK has "ministerial" credit cards in quite the same way – Government Procurement Card spend over £500 is published monthly by departments, but the cards are not linked specifically to ministers. Ministerial expenses for overseas travel and accommodation are published quarterly.


Cabinet Office minister Pat McFadden says Labour will update the ministerial code so that ministers follow the same rules as backbench MPs when declaring hospitality


7.22 Gifts given to Ministers in their Ministerial capacity become the property of the Government and do not need to be declared in the Register of Members' or Peers' Interests. Gifts of small value, currently this is set at £140, may be retained by the recipient. Gifts of a higher value should be handed over to the department for disposal unless the recipient wishes to purchase the gift abated by £140. … Departments will publish, on a quarterly basis, details of gifts received and given by Ministers valued at more than £140.


7.24 Departments will publish, quarterly, details of hospitality received by Ministers in a Ministerial capacity. Hospitality accepted as an MP or Peer should be declared in the Register of Members’ or Lords’ Interests respectively.

Bulk datasets from the UK's Department for Transport have now been updated to the end of 2023: Road Safety Data

The latest final 2023 data published 26 September 2024.

Data included These files provide detailed road safety data about the circumstances of personal injury road collisions in Great Britain from 1979, the types of vehicles involved and the consequential casualties. The statistics relate only to personal injury collisions on public roads that are reported to the police, and subsequently recorded, using the STATS19 collision reporting form.

UK Cabinet Office spend data April 2010 - August 2024


The Tories blocked release of this report for years. But the FTT considered the case on 30 July 2024 – so presumably there were also several weeks during which the current Home Secretary could have directed her department to drop its opposition to the appeal. #Windrush#FOI#opengov


NHSE chief: Federated data platform will 'not be spectacular'

Ms Tang said: "It's really hard convincing Treasury that 30 per cent of your business case should be around deployment. If you did it in industry, it'd probably be around 50 per cent, but just getting 30 per cent of that resource to deployment was really tough.

“And [deployment is] the first thing they want to cut because they don't understand that you're not just investing in technology, you're actually investing in the change and the business process to enable people to use and deploy that technology to do their day-to-day job."

Why the US Government won't let you see its best tool for forecasting hurricanes

The HCCA model produced superior two-day and three-day track forecasts to the Hurricane Center during Ian, the devastating Category 4 hurricane that struck Florida in late September 2022. That hurricane was particularly hard to predict, and better track forecasts could have improved evacuation decisions and saved lives.

But because of agreements with a vendor, NOAA has refused to release the model's results to the public. With a massive storm headed toward a U.S. landfall this week, critics of the agreement argue taxpayer-funded forecasts should be freely and openly available. They say the model's forecast could be highlighted in television and online graphics as one of the more reliable scenarios given its track record.
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Owen Boswarva
772 followers742 following675 posts