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Pete D. Akers
Paleoclimatologist, stable isotope geochemist, geographer, stal🪨 and ice🧊 enthusiast. Assistant professor of physical geography at Trinity College Dublin.
26 followers20 following21 posts

Irish blanket bogs are critical reservoirs of carbon and biodiversity that are threatened by a warming, drying climate. In DRYPEAT, this postdoc will help develop a new proxy for bog evapotranspiration through isotopic monitoring of a blanket bog's water and plants.

An Irish blanket bog in the Wicklow Mountains.

DRYPEAT is highly interdisciplinary and draws upon the fields of botany, ecology, paleoclimatology, hydrology, and geochemistry. Candidates with a strong interest in the project and with a solid background in one of its components are encouraged to apply through the link above.

Moss, heather, and sedges in an Irish blanket bog.
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Pete D. Akers
Paleoclimatologist, stable isotope geochemist, geographer, stal🪨 and ice🧊 enthusiast. Assistant professor of physical geography at Trinity College Dublin.
26 followers20 following21 posts