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Patrick S. Bruck
Disabled. Queer (he/him). Communist. Trying to survive another day under capitalism. Healthcare is a human right!
189 followers194 following395 posts

Yours is like the cool-bro version of this:

The image is a two-panel scene from the animated TV show American Dad.

Panel 1 shows the character Steve Smith standing in a lab, holding a notebook and saying, "just let me check my schedule." He appears to be serious and focused.

Panel 2 is a close-up of Steve's notebook, which is open to a weekly schedule in May. Each day from Monday to Saturday is marked with "WHACK IT" written repeatedly, humorously indicating that Steve has scheduled time for personal activities.

The overall joke plays on the exaggerated amount of time Steve has dedicated to this activity, with a comedic tone typical of the show.

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Patrick S. Bruck
Disabled. Queer (he/him). Communist. Trying to survive another day under capitalism. Healthcare is a human right!
189 followers194 following395 posts