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madwort madword madward asylum 29 | fluid | interdisciplinary artist | hoodoo | west african 🇬🇼🇨🇻🏳️‍⚧️ they/them alt text - photo of alyssum smiling with a short afro cover - still of Isaac from Castlevania and caption reads - I’m going to live.
399 followers257 following1k posts

it’s like post shower lotion and skincare — you don’t know how much you need it until you see the difference it makes

Reposted by alyssum

The way my heart is jumping between despair we lost her because folks who should have been protecting her didn't mask and burning hot rage that folks have just accepted the far-right, anti-science, idea of not masking during an air-spread pandemic because "fascism is what everyone else is doing".

Reposted by alyssum is one of the reasons I'm here today. She introduced me to the idea of mutual aid a few years ago and did immense work for the community despite and in spite of her own struggles with leukemia and long COVID She has my eternal thanks Rest in Power, beautiful angel. You deserve it.

Reposted by alyssum

If you aren't masking, you have failed the "what I'm going to do to stop Nazis when they come back" test. You have become a soldier for eugenics. Who have you killed? Who has or will die bc of you? Now is the time to turn & fight the fascism. Mask up. Stop normalizing public eugenics. Right now.

"Fighting fascism is a full-time job!" Star Trek Lower Decks GIF

Below Alt text credit:

Shaxs from Star Trek Lower Decks is pictured. He's a cartoon, because Lower Decks, besides deserving another 37 seasons, is a cartoon. Shaxs a big burly man wearing his gold Star fleet uniform and also an apron over the front like he's doing some sort of art project or baking a nice sourdough. In each hand he's holding a broken bottle like that thing you do where you take a beer bottle and break off the bottom and then use it as a weapon. His eyeballs are bulging large his brow is furrowed and he looks absolutely unhinged with rage and anger. Closed caption reads, "Fighting fascism is a full time job!"

0 happy birthday!! i’m not late in PST 🫂

Reposted by alyssum

start now start today wear a respirator (n95/kn95) be an enthusiastic participant in mutual aid listen to communities sharing their struggle and continuously work to unpack the default paradigm work to retain what they are generous enough to share please dont take people or life for granted

Reposted by alyssum

The crux of the whole situation. I can't work. Disability isn't enough to live on. Without the help of folks online, boosting, reboosting, & donating, I will die. Always being a few days from starvation & being unhoused has wrecked me mentally. I need y'all to pay attention before I'm gone.

Reposted by alyssum

Need to get offline for mental health again. Please share the 3 MA Asks in this thread. Partner's Mom & my friend are in trouble right now & need a lot of help. Any amount helps more than $0. Boost if you can't donate, please. Need 2 miracles.

Reposted by alyssum

Aiming for $600 considering the last appointment cost just under that & we likely need blood work done. Currently at $50/$600 for Tasha, thanks to a quick donator. Thank you Good friends.

Profile banner
madwort madword madward asylum 29 | fluid | interdisciplinary artist | hoodoo | west african 🇬🇼🇨🇻🏳️‍⚧️ they/them alt text - photo of alyssum smiling with a short afro cover - still of Isaac from Castlevania and caption reads - I’m going to live.
399 followers257 following1k posts