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I like penis. People are okay. INTP, if you believe in that shit. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.
156 followers28 following171 posts

One of the monickers I thought of for this site was "Mister Natural" but that might imply that I'm uncut! Anyway, R. Crumb created a great character, at least an iconic one. I can't say I've read much of R. Crumb. More than most, perhaps, but it was long ago! #rCrumb#mrNatural#ComicBooks

R. Crumb's character Mister Natural comic book panel showing Mr Natural standing facing us. He is bald, with a long beard, wearing a yellow smock and boots. The speech balloon says: "THE WHOLE UNIVERSE IS COMPLETELY INSANE!" in all-caps, which doesn't imply shouting in this context.

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I like penis. People are okay. INTP, if you believe in that shit. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens.
156 followers28 following171 posts