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Philippe Wen
économie, climat, service public, IMF watcher from Treasury | #VendrediLecture, musées, pandas, passion Jardin des plantes et Panthéon | @philippe_wen sur l'ancien réseau, posts en français & in English, mes reposts n'impliquent pas approbation
86 followers199 following193 posts

What could Kamala Harris tell us as a presidential candidate? Let's read her own words on her pre-White House experience Kamala Harris, "The Truths We Hold — An American Journey", 2019 #SummerReading#FridayReading#POTUS#2024Election

Paperback copy of the book "The Truths We Hold – An American Journey" by Kamala Harris

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Philippe Wen
économie, climat, service public, IMF watcher from Treasury | #VendrediLecture, musées, pandas, passion Jardin des plantes et Panthéon | @philippe_wen sur l'ancien réseau, posts en français & in English, mes reposts n'impliquent pas approbation
86 followers199 following193 posts