isfp 4w5 sx/so IEI EFVL I like to create and consume all sorts of art. lvl 1 autism and GAD haver learnin BR-PT and JP Against class society and all forms of chauvinism. Read: "Marx for beginners" by Rius and "Feminism is for everybody" by bell hooks
3 followers22 following7 posts

i had this dream some days ago in which i was killed violently and when i looked for answers some dude said "a situation is metaphorically killing you and your brain tries to shock you so you stop it" and then it clicked


isfp 4w5 sx/so IEI EFVL I like to create and consume all sorts of art. lvl 1 autism and GAD haver learnin BR-PT and JP Against class society and all forms of chauvinism. Read: "Marx for beginners" by Rius and "Feminism is for everybody" by bell hooks
3 followers22 following7 posts