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no longer fleet of foot, purveyor of mixed metafours. Enjoy the company of cats and the odd alcoholic beverage. Shaped as a youth by the likes of George Carlin, Monty Python and MST3k. #Pirate's_Playlist #Billionaire_Hobbies
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another illustration of how out of touch the media is with America. Considering the fuckitude that has taken place in the financial industry (Enron, Mortgage crisis, Wells Fargo, Crypto and Vulture Capitalists). Plus most of WS thinking Gordon Gecko is a hero... yeah, some of us are dubious.


Mind you, I didn't just fall off the turnip truck; I remember Judith Miller and the NYT shilling for Iraq, etc. But I've been positively blown right. the. fuck. away. by how incredibly awful the media has been, this year.

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no longer fleet of foot, purveyor of mixed metafours. Enjoy the company of cats and the odd alcoholic beverage. Shaped as a youth by the likes of George Carlin, Monty Python and MST3k. #Pirate's_Playlist #Billionaire_Hobbies
600 followers1.1k following3.2k posts