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Planetary Praxis
Cambridge research group studying social life, technology + the planetary through practice-based research.,,
179 followers197 following167 posts

How do we manage disaster risk in the context of climate change? In this Smart Forests Radio episode, Claudia Arellano, a geographer and specialist in disaster risk management, explores this topic and more:

Episode icon for Claudia Arellano. The text reads “Claudia Arellano: The Future of Disaster Risk Management in Chile”. Background image shows the Villarrica Volcano near Pucón, Chile, one of the most active volcanoes in South America. Lilac and olive filters applied. Image source: Smart Forests fieldwork (2024).

ÂżCĂłmo enfrentar el riesgo de desastres en contexto de cambio climĂĄtico? Claudia Arellano, GeĂłgrafa y especialista en el estudio y gestiĂłn de riesgo de desastres, abordĂł esta pregunta en su entrevista junto al equipo de Smart Forests:

Icono del episodio de Caludia Arellano. El texto dice «Claudia Arellano: El futuro de la gestión de riesgo de desastres en Chile». La imagen de fondo muestra el volcån Villarrica cerca de Pucón, Chile, uno de los volcanes mås activos de Sudamérica. Filtros lila y oliva aplicados. Fuente de la imagen: Trabajo de campo de Smart Forests (2024).

On Smart Forests Radio, Danilo Urzedo and Michelle Westerlaken speak to Claudia AraĂșjo from Rede de Sementes do Xingu about community-led seed networks, seeding technologies, and mobilisations against deforestation in Brazil. Listen (in PortuguĂȘs):

The radio episode icon for Claudia AraĂșjo. The background has a blue filter and shows a hand holding some seeds.

“How can we help scale good fire?” In this Smart Forests Radio episode, Dr Waleed “Lee” Haddad, co-founder of BurnBot, discusses developing a scalable solution for prescribed burning to mitigate destructive wildfires:

Episode icon for BurnBot. The text reads “BurnBot: Mitigating Wildfire Risks through Controlled Prescribed Burns”. The background image shows controlled flames emerging from an array of torches inside BurnBot with olive and blue filters applied. Image source: BurnBot Youtube channel,

“One leopard picture taken by a camera trap made a case for nature conservation
” On Smart Forests Radio, Hana Raza of Leopards Beyond Borders discusses finding the Persian Leopard in Iraqi Kurdistan and the broader impacts for wildlife in the region. Listen:

A camera trap image of a Persian Leopard at night. The leopard is to the left of the frame, standing on rocks, with glowing eyes, and the image has a deep purple filter. The text overlaid in white says ‘Hana Raza: Camera Traps and Persian Leopards in Iraqi Kurdistan’. Image source: Nature Iraq,

How is it possible to make forest firefighting more effective in the face of climate change? On Smart Forests Radio, we talk to Jorge Saavedra, Head of Development and Research on Forest Fires at the National Forestry Corporation of Chile (Conaf):

Episode icon for Jorge Saavedra. Background image shows Jorge Saavedra in his CONAF brigade suit, fighting a forest fire. Text reads “Jorge Saavedra: Monitoring and Fighting Forest Fires Using Remote Sensing”. Blue and green filters applied. Source:

ÂżCĂłmo hacer mĂĄs efectiva el combate de incendios forestales, frente al cambio climĂĄtico? En este episodio de Smart Forests Radio, hablamos con Jorge Saavedra, Jefe del Desarrollo e InvestigaciĂłn en Incendios Forestales de la CONAF:

Icono del episodio de Jorge Saavedra. La imagen de fondo muestra a Jorge Saavedra con su traje de brigadista de CONAF, en el combate un incendio forestal. El texto dice «Jorge Saavedra: Monitoreando y combatiendo incendios forestales desde la teledetección». Filtros azul y verde aplicados. Fuente:

"We need to make the information useful and useable to make change." Listen to Dr Carlos Souza from Imazon, the Amazon Institute of People and the Environment discuss technologies for predicting deforestation in the Amazon on Smart Forests Radio.

The Smart Forests Radio episode icon for Carlos Souza’s episode. The icon shows a deforestation prediction map from Imazon’s PrevisIA tool with a yellow-green filter, and white text over the top reads: ‘Carlos Souza: Remote Sensing in the Amazon’.

The Department of Sociology at the University of Cambridge is inviting applications for the Professorship of Sociology. We welcome applications from candidates with oustanding research profiles in *any area* of Sociology. Application due date: 28 October 2024 Further information:


“Fire risk is a function of the social, the ecological and the technological systems that we inhabit.” On Smart Forests Radio, Dr Shefali Juneja Lakhina, co-founder of Wonder Labs discusses socially led technology innovations in fire and forestry:

Episode icon for Shefali Lakhina. The text reads ‘Shefali Lakhina: Innovating FireTech with Frontline Communities’. The background image shows a fire and forestry worker. Red and light brown filters applied. Image source: FireUp,
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Planetary Praxis
Cambridge research group studying social life, technology + the planetary through practice-based research.,,
179 followers197 following167 posts