Phil Andrews
Self-confessed twitcher & West Midlands birder, thwarted by work, 2 kids + a wife. With a few moths, butterflies + dragonflies thrown in for good measure.
346 followers405 following87 posts

Despite the loss of wall-to-wall sunshine and the appearance of cloud it was the slowest day of the trip with a brisk southerly. Lowlights were Barred Warbler at Swinister Burn, 2 YB Warbler at Wester Quarff, GN Diver at Grutness and trip ticks of Dunlin + Bar-tailed Godwit at Pool of Virkie.


Thats more like it - Eastern Crowned Warbler south of Sandness, my second. Also a very confiding Little Bunting in Burn of Sound + a more elusive Golden Oriole at Aith (my first British one for c20 years). Otherwise still quiet - 3 YB Warbler, 3 Whooper Swan, Merlin, Wheatear - but promise...


Time to roll out "hard work". A day at north end of Mainland yielded upwards of 20 Yellow-browed Warbler, 2 Barred Warblers at Ronas Voe, Brambling at Busta House, 3 Wheatear at Eshaness, a few Redwing + Otter in Hillswick Bay. Partial recovery at last light with adult Rose-coloured Starling at Aith


A day flogging south Mainland was headed by a hovering Pallas's Warbler at Cunningsburgh. Also Great Northern Diver, Slavonian Grebe, possible Barred Warbler, 3 Yellow-browed Warbler, Pintail, Whooper Swans, Garden Warbler Whinchat and Merlin but dipped an Ortolan Bunting at Clevigarth.


Today's collective sightings from a day out on Muckle Roe and then west and central Mainland - Barred Warbler, Common Rosefinch, 3+ Yellow-browed Warbler, Merlin, Siberian Chiffchaff, Velvet Scoter, 2 Whooper Swan, 5 Barnacle Geese, finishing off with a juvenile Red-backed Shrike at Sullom.


A day slogging north and central Mainland produced a nice Bluethroat, Barred Warbler, Common Rosefinch, 3+ Yellow-browed Warbler, Slavonian Grebe, Purple Sandpiper, Red Grouse, 4 Whooper Swan, 3 Knot and 3 Red-throated Diver. The productive bushes at North Voe + Lunna.


First day on Shetland after a lumpy crossing. Started with Corncrake at Loch of Tingwall followed by a showy Pechora Pipit at Quendale + supporting cast of RB Fly & YB Warbler. Kicked around Aith, Hoswick + Fladdabister before ending the day with Merlin over our new gaff at Brae.

1 is the Upton Warren feed playing up Mike?

Phil Andrews
Self-confessed twitcher & West Midlands birder, thwarted by work, 2 kids + a wife. With a few moths, butterflies + dragonflies thrown in for good measure.
346 followers405 following87 posts