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Eternal Samnation
Mostly I write things down, but sometimes I wrong things up. I’m working on it. Clickbait ➡️
1.1k followers627 following683 posts
Reposted by Eternal Samnation

i don’t know who he’s there to see but he’s obviously a big fan

A person stands in a small crowd wearing a backpack with three large fan blades protruding from it.
Reposted by Eternal Samnation

sometimes the best advice is the simplest advice

Red and white sign reads “Durban City Hospital, Family Planning, Please Use Rear Entrance.”
Reposted by Eternal Samnation

i couldn’t quite figure out how to caption these pictures on their own, but when i put them together, i realized it became a delightful romantic comedy

A seal peeks around an object to the left.
An owl peaks around a brick wall to the right.
Reposted by Eternal Samnation

Sitting in the middle of a crowded city, he still felt utterly alone. There was a hole in his life, and he’d known it for years. He’d simply been shoveling cookies into it.

Cookie Monster sits at a sidewalk table as pedestrians and vehicles go by. His arms are crossed and he looks contemplative
Reposted by Eternal Samnation

someone told me i should be charging for these terrible puns so i’ve decided to send you all a bill

Close-up of a duck’s bill.
Reposted by Eternal Samnation

As Rebecca completed the final incantation, the ground began to rumble. In an explosion of earth and grass, the giant form of a thing that both was and wasn’t Twilight Sparkle burst from the ground. Its eyes glowing crimson, its long teeth gleaming, it raised its head and roared.

A child stands above a colorful chalk drawing of a pentagram on a concrete surface, small My Little Pony toy figures sit at each point.
Reposted by Eternal Samnation

when you and your sibling have to pretend to like each other long enough for mom to take the picture

A Siberian Husky and a white cat with their faces mushed together, looking at the camera. Neither looks comfortable.
Reposted by Eternal Samnation

it’s a school of fish, a murder of crows, and a cluster of barbaras

The image shows three older women in a store aisle wearing very similar striped shirts. Two women are pushing shopping carts, while one woman is interacting with a child. The store shelves are filled with various products.
Reposted by Eternal Samnation

dude it’s called proctologist

A construction worker wearing a safety helmet and a high-visibility vest labeled "MANHOLE ASSESSOR" stands in front of a stop sign and a green informational sign.
Reposted by Eternal Samnation

how is there no line?

A promotional booth featuring a black tablecloth with the logo "BJ's" is set up in a store. Above the table is an arch made of red, black, and white balloons. Two empty chairs are placed in next to the table.
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Eternal Samnation
Mostly I write things down, but sometimes I wrong things up. I’m working on it. Clickbait ➡️
1.1k followers627 following683 posts