Political Research Associates
Political Research Associates. Social justice research and strategy center since 1981. Publishers of The Public Eye magazine
335 followers27 following154 posts

“There is no pristine homogenous nation anywhere on earth. And yet, we claim this idea of nationhood,” says John Washington in his Q&A with Reece Jones. Jones interviews Washington on his book and the difference between open borders and no borders:

The Case for Open Borders: Author Q&A with John Washington

In season 1 of Inform Your Resistance, we talked to Alex Amend on the ecofascist movement and its anti-immigrant stance. “The ecofascist vision, it's inextricable between the health of the White race and the health of the environment,” says Amend:

“The ecofascist vision, it's inextricable between the health of the White race and the health of the environment. And the threats to those are people of color coming from other parts of the country here in the United States, context, the American context
.And so, at the very Far Right, that is the vision. There's an overlap there. There's no distinction between the health of the race and the health of the environment.”

Join us as we kick off season 3 of Inform Your Resistance! PRA’s Ethan FaurĂ© sits down with us to discuss the origins, unlikely intersections, and influence of the contemporary anti-immigration movement. Tune in wherever you get your podcasts!

Anti-Immigration Politics with Ethan Fauré
Inform Your Resistance
Season 3, Episode 1

In this article, PRA’s Ethan FaurĂ© urges us to shift away from an immigration system rooted in colonial borders and violence, advocating for a global reimagining of migration. Learn more at

Border Wall between USA and Mexico, here under construction south of Ajo, Arizona. (Credit:Gillfoto/Wikimedia Commons)
— Ethan FaurĂ©, Beyond “Border Security”
"Our society should reject generations of border-hardening policies that inflict harm and create false senses of security."

”Sheriffs and their offices play a key role in maintaining and advancing mass incarceration, mass deportation, and White supremacy.” In this 101, PRA’s Ethan FaurĂ© gives an overview of the organizations and people pushing the far-right sheriff movement.

Far-Right Sheriffs and The Anti-immigrant movement
FROM 101:Far-Right Sheriffs BY Ethan Fauré
Anti-immigrant organizations like the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the Immigration Reform Law Institute, Center for Immigration Studies, and NumbersUSA were created or nurtured by White nationalist John Tanton.
These organizations are: influencing federal immigration policy through legislation and media; coordinating with sheriffs sympathetic to their draconian policy ideals by leveraging the sheriffs’ position as local elected officials to erroneously suggest popular support for their agenda; actively lobbying other sheriffs; and coordinating with sheriffs’ associations to organize national conferences, border tours, and other events with the goal of expanding the system of mass deportation’s reach in local communities.

“Neo-McCarthyism is pursued in the name of protecting Jews from antisemitism—and in truth it does nothing to keep Jews safe.”

Credit: Alisdare Hickson/
Weaponizing Jewish Safety Makes Jews Less Safe
The New Antisemitism and Neo-McCarthyism by Ben Lorber
Chief Senate Counsel representing the United States Army and partner at Hale and Dorr, Joseph Welch (left), with United States Senator Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin (right), at the Senate Subcommittee on Investigations' McCarthy-Army hearings, June 9, 1954. Credit:  United States Senate
In a dizzying inversion in today’s United States and elsewhere, neo-McCarthyism is pursued in the name of protecting Jews from antisemitism—and in truth it does nothing to keep Jews safe. Quite the opposite in fact. In many cases, neo-McCarthyism singles out progressive Jews for state repression.
On a basic level, this Neo-McCarthyist assault endangers Jews because it endangers multiracial, pluralist democracy. Today’s campaigns to stifle free speech and debilitate progressive infrastructure play directly into the Far Right’s strategy to roll back democracy and cement authoritarian rule.
Credit: Jews for Justice for Palestinians/ Wikimedia Commons
When the antisemitic Right holds close its figural Jews as fetishized objects of protection, it helps isolate actual Jewish communities from the powerful relationships we could build to collectively challenge the White Christian nationalist, authoritarian, and anti-democratic forces that threaten all marginalized communities.
A kid-led parade for 3 blocks to State Senator Simcha Felder's Office. The parade is a call for true safety for all youth, students, and kids.  Hosted by Jews for Racial and Economic Justice [JFREJ}. Credit: Iryna Yafimchyk for Working Families/

Bunny McKensie Mack examines how the Far Right leverages AI to spread disinformation and consolidate power, and the possible impact of a AI-Enabled Far Right on global elections. Read their full article at

Platform algorithms on popular sites like YouTube and Facebook drive users toward, for example, more White supremacist, antisemitic, and/or fascist content over time, leading them to develop far-right political views. When algorithmic radicalization is combined with access to AI tools ... we see an increase in an existing issue: the largely unregulated monetization of voter disinformation across social media platforms.
algorithmic radicalization

“China's disinformation strategy has increasingly focused on spreading ‘U.S. Skepticism’” as Taiwan-U.S. ties grow stronger. Kayo Chang Black explores how the CCP attempted to undermine Taiwanese democracy ahead of this year's elections. Learn more:

Taiwan’s 2024 Elections
Disinformation in the Struggle Between Democracy and Authoritarianism
by Kayo Chang Black
Political Research Associates
Political Research Associates. Social justice research and strategy center since 1981. Publishers of The Public Eye magazine
335 followers27 following154 posts