Daniel Newton
Birding. Cinema. Boxing. Old Bostonian living in Belfast. People say I have an interesting walk… Hell, I’m just trying to hold my gut in!
52 followers43 following51 posts

Quality couple of days #birding around Alicante region, with trips to Tabarca and Clot de Galvany yesterday, and today spent around El Hondo. Highlight has to be the Bluethroats (eight in total today). Loads of waders from first two hides along Vistabella Road, including a Bar-tailed Godwit. Nice!

Bluethroat. Luscinia svecica. El Hondo (San Felipe). 9 Oct 2024.
Hoopoe. Upupa epops. Clot de Galvany. 8 Oct 2024.
Bar-tailed Godwit (Limosa lapponica) on right, alongside Black-winged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus). El Hondo (Vistabella Road). 9 Oct 2024.
Party of five Ruff. Calidris pugnax. El Hondo (Vistabella Road). 9 Oct 2024.

Daniel Newton
Birding. Cinema. Boxing. Old Bostonian living in Belfast. People say I have an interesting walk… Hell, I’m just trying to hold my gut in!
52 followers43 following51 posts