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Preferred Enemies
A Warhammer 40K podcast that believes in being competitively casual, or perhaps casually competitive, and using your wargaming powers for awesome. Find us at, or wherever you get your podcasts!
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Thanks to Games Workshop for sending us the Kill Team: Hivestorm box to preview and paint! As a long-running T'au player, Rob took the opportunity to paint up the new Vespid. They go together like a dream and paint really easily, and they're a fantastic upgrade to an old set of metal models.

Three Vespid, painted red with yellow wings and green wargear. The Strain Leader, wearing a Communion Helm, is in the center, flanked by two Stingwings.
Three Vespid, painted red, with yellow  wings and green wargear. Two Stingwings are on the left and center, with a Longsting (armed with a rail rifle) on the right.
Three Vespid, painted red, with yellow wings and green wargear. A Skyblast wielding a grenade launcher is on the left, a Swarmguard with a flamer is on the right, and in the center is the Shadestrain with stealth gear.
One Vespid, painted red, with yellow wings and green wargear. To its right is a green and grey Oversight Drone with red and blue eye lenses.
Reposted by Preferred Enemies

Just about done with Snikrot. He just needs sealing and some flock/tufts added to the base. #PaintingWarhammer


We’ve got merch! It only took us… twelve years to get it going? We’re so good at this. :) Hats, shirts, hoodies, and stickers are available!

Preferred Enemies
Preferred Enemies

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Preferred Enemies
A Warhammer 40K podcast that believes in being competitively casual, or perhaps casually competitive, and using your wargaming powers for awesome. Find us at, or wherever you get your podcasts!
21 followers9 following26 posts