Jacob Öberg
Professor in EU Law at University of Southern Denmark. EU and #brexit nerd.
4.3k followers3.3k following1.2k posts

🚨🚨 Subpost of the day; it is striking how posting on different social media sites work. If I post on #brexit or something about politics here, I regularly get very good engagement. And if I post something more nerdy on EU law or academic, there is quite limited engagement. /1


On LinkedIn you have to register under your actual name and is used as a career building tool so people hold back on politics there, as any opinion, whether positive or negative, could affect a future role or business relationship.


"And if I post something more nerdy on EU law or academic, there is quite limited engagement." Perhaps because most of us are not lawyers but can see the consequences of Brexit. 🙂


Interesting observation. I must admit that I like here rather than X because I see more of the academic & learned commentary. It's a good read but maybe less easy to engage with; however I will always 'like'.


Maybe the people who follow you for your nerdy expertise read those posts but know they have little to add, but with topics people feel they're entitled to have an opinion about, they feel less obligated to stay quietMaybe the people who follow you for your nerdy expertise read those posts but know they have little to add, but with topics people feel they're entitled to have an opinion about, they feel less obligated to stay quiet


These things work conversely on linked in. On the latter site I get very good engagement on nerdy EU law stuff and academic things but almost non-existent engagement on politics or #brexit posting. What are the lessons here?


Good morning Jacob. Well, speaking for myself. I appreciate the political perspective, but I also particularly like academic engagement with EU & international law. I want to be kept up to date on matters legal. I also love the academic engagement on here in many fields, which is considerable.


Not being a lawyer, i tend not to wade through the minutiae of intricate legal posts. Have a broad knowledge of other subjects, so engage with something i know about.


Might it be because the type of people who were most incentivised to leave Twitter and come here? If you’re into politics, you were disproportionately exposed to the most toxic material and came over here quickly. Academic nerds, less so and so they’re still over there.

Jacob Öberg
Professor in EU Law at University of Southern Denmark. EU and #brexit nerd.
4.3k followers3.3k following1.2k posts