Loves cats (we have 4), tolerates dogs (also have 4) and enjoys complex music of all sorts, especially symphonic prog and jazz. Enthusiastic home cook, owner of a crumbling diabetic body. Married for 35 years. IT techie. Live in Wiltshire, UK
56 followers40 following601 posts

Is it sad that I can work out what speed modem it is just by the guard tones? Yes, I’m somewhat old. I remember using 1200/75 baud non-autodial modem to dial a BBS in Scotland when we lived in London. My parents were distinctly unimpressed.. (no free telephone calls!)


Loves cats (we have 4), tolerates dogs (also have 4) and enjoys complex music of all sorts, especially symphonic prog and jazz. Enthusiastic home cook, owner of a crumbling diabetic body. Married for 35 years. IT techie. Live in Wiltshire, UK
56 followers40 following601 posts