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Erica Kleinknecht O'Shea
Prf. K | Award winning Prof of Cognitive and Developmental Psych who embraces creativity and the practical application of science. | Aims to increase the representation of modern psych-sci content on social media.
76 followers222 following94 posts

Curious for a slightly deeper dive into the Music Perception infographic series I shared last month? Click on over to Substack for more.

Wildcard: Why do we love music?
Wildcard: Why do we love music?

Music perception research offers insight into a fav pastime of mine - is it one of yours, too?


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Erica Kleinknecht O'Shea
Prf. K | Award winning Prof of Cognitive and Developmental Psych who embraces creativity and the practical application of science. | Aims to increase the representation of modern psych-sci content on social media.
76 followers222 following94 posts