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Tinkerer, maker, breaker, philosopher, hacker, spell weaver, woodland creature
244 followers73 following290 posts

TERFs make no sense to me. "I'm a feminist- that's why I believe in immutable assigned gender roles, personal acceptance of my inferior status, and that as a weaker individual I must be protected to preserve my purity and value which comes ultimately from my desirability to men."


I've honestly always hated the term "TERF", because it implies there's something wrong with being a radical feminist, and their behavior isn't radical feminism at all. IMHO, the R should be "Reactionary", or perhaps even more accurate, "Regressive".


You can be protected but can you protect yourself?

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Tinkerer, maker, breaker, philosopher, hacker, spell weaver, woodland creature
244 followers73 following290 posts