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Raelee May Carpenter, Capitalism's Folk Devil
I write fiction so I can tell the truth. Multiply disabled, #faithfullylgbtq, & social justice warrior. they/them
268 followers196 following3.1k posts
Reposted by Raelee May Carpenter, Capitalism's Folk Devil

Libs are always asleep.

With Harris, it sounds like we will get Cheney's foreign policy, AIPAC's Middle East policy, Goldman Sachs' economic policy, and Exxon's climate policy.
Reposted by Raelee May Carpenter, Capitalism's Folk Devil

boosting this bc i don’t have it in me to repost those pics but they show a months paid £0/417💕💸♿️ i need help with october. im disabled and cant work. my prescription is ready in ONE week and i have nothing for it. i beg if you can spare even a £1 or £2 please do😭🙏


I just want capitalism to die a sudden death, is that too much to ask?


They protect inequality, not people. And that's a feature of the system, not a bug.

Reposted by Raelee May Carpenter, Capitalism's Folk Devil

“It started on Oct 7th.” On 30 September 2000, during the 2nd Intifada, 12-year-old Muhammad al-Durrah was tragically killed in the Gaza Strip against the Zionist military occupation. He and his father, Jamal al-Durrah, sought shelter behind a concrete cylinder. IDF killed them. 24 years ago.

Reposted by Raelee May Carpenter, Capitalism's Folk Devil

The spray force I’ve recently found out is 400 mph and it was sprayed from 3 feet away which left Sanchez (suspect in custody) basically permanently blind. It’s (the spray) is measured to be 500,000 scoville units which is extreme heat.

Footage shows Medina County sheriff’s deputy shoot handcuffed teen in eye with high-propulsion pepper spray gun
Footage shows Medina County sheriff’s deputy shoot handcuffed teen in eye with high-propulsion pepper spray gun

The hours of footage from the June 2023 incident, released by the Medina County District Attorney’s Office earlier this summer, shows now-former deputy Jonathan Nunemaker becoming increasingly agitate...

Reposted by Raelee May Carpenter, Capitalism's Folk Devil

Guys, now $542. Can you reach $600 per person? If each person only gives $5, we will reach it. Please, I am in dire need of your donation.

Help Lana trough these dark days in Gaza..
Help Lana trough these dark days in Gaza..


Reposted by Raelee May Carpenter, Capitalism's Folk Devil

Hey there, struggling friend. If you don’t have the energy or motivation to take a shower tonight, that’s OK. Keep a cheap pack of baby wipes wherever is easiest to access, and just give your pits and bits a quick swipe before bed. People have done it for centuries; think of it as Using The Old Ways


Bluesky is quiet this evening. Wishing you all the best of luck in a new week under capitalism.

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Raelee May Carpenter, Capitalism's Folk Devil
I write fiction so I can tell the truth. Multiply disabled, #faithfullylgbtq, & social justice warrior. they/them
268 followers196 following3.1k posts