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🖤❤️ R A I C H U ❤️🖤
29 | #demiandiknowit | ♋️♋️♋️ | INFP | Hunting Draugr, Coeurl and Rathalos on the daily ✌🏻🎮😘 CP: @ribbitsplace
38 followers124 following55 posts

Forgot to mention on here yet, but!! I created an account on SquidgeWorld, and am cross-posting from my AO3! With that said, I now have *all* my complete fanworks cross-posted (yes, even my big-ass anon-posted Sheith fic) Saving my WIP cross-posting for later...for reasons... 👀


I'd love to know which big-ass sheith fic it is, but will respect your anon posting! I hope if I've already come across it I kudos'd and commented on it. And if I haven't, that one day I will read it and kudos & comment then 😊

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🖤❤️ R A I C H U ❤️🖤
29 | #demiandiknowit | ♋️♋️♋️ | INFP | Hunting Draugr, Coeurl and Rathalos on the daily ✌🏻🎮😘 CP: @ribbitsplace
38 followers124 following55 posts