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Ian L. Campbell, Ph.D.
Psychologist studying media cognition | Postdoc with | Open-Source Community Manager at | he/him
352 followers657 following152 posts
Reposted by Ian L. Campbell, Ph.D.

One thing I find depressing / unintentionally funny about the replication crisis in psychology is thereā€™s all this high-level drama about retractions & fraud, then you look at the original study & itā€™s likeā€¦ ā€œThinking about God made undergrads (N=28) wash their hands 0.8 seconds longer (p=0.04)ā€.


You can find a link to many of the program materials we developed in the paper itself, or at the following link:


I loved collaborating with the teens and program staff over the course of that year, growing as an educator, and now working with my colleagues to publish this paper. We hope this will serve as the first step towards the design of future programs for fostering teens' science identity exploration.


The purpose of the program was to use these opportunities to provide teens with mentorship in many aspects of science as they explored and developed their own science identities. We found that, for this cohort, this was a highly varied and often rewarding process.


This was an intensive, year-long program where researchers (myself and partnered with museum educators and evaluators (Rachel Fyler, KT Todd, Allison Anderson) to provide a small cohort of teens with opportunities to engage in scientific research and science education.


Excited to share that our work on the Teen Science Research and Communication Program (TSRCP) at the Museum of Science, Boston is now published in JADP! More details in the thread.

Reposted by Ian L. Campbell, Ph.D.

this is pretty amazing: summary of the case:

The Publisher Defendantsā€™ Scheme has three primary components. First, the Publisher Defendants agreed to not compensate scholars for their labor, in particular not to pay for their peer review services (the ā€œUnpaid Peer Review Ruleā€). In other words, the Publisher Defendants agreed to fix the price of peer review services at zero. The Publisher Defendants also agreed to coerce scholars into providing their labor for nothing by expressly linking their unpaid labor with their ability to get their manuscripts published in the Publisher Defendantsā€™ journals. In the ā€œpublish or perishā€ world of academia, the Publisher Defendants essentially agreed to hold the careers of scholars hostage so that the Publisher Defendants could force them to provide their valuable labor for free.
Second, the Publisher Defendants agreed not to compete with each other for manuscripts by requiring scholars to submit their manuscripts to only one journal at a time (the ā€œSingle Submission Ruleā€). The Single Submission Rule substantially reduces competition among the Publisher Defendants, substantially decreasing incentives to review manuscripts promptly and publish meritorious research quickly. The Single Submission Rule also robs scholars of negotiating leverage they otherwise would have had if more than one journal offered to publish their manuscripts. Thus, the Publisher Defendants know that if they offer to publish a manuscript, the submitting scholar has no viable alternative and the Publisher Defendant can then dictate the terms of publication.
Third, the Publisher Defendants agreed to prohibit scholars from freely sharing the scientific advancements described in submitted manuscripts while those manuscripts are under peer review, a process that often takes over a year (the ā€œGag Ruleā€). From the moment scholars submit manuscripts for publication, the Publisher Defendants behave as though the scientific advancements set forth in the manuscripts are their property, to be shared only if the Publisher Defendants grant permission. Moreover, when the Publisher Defendants select manuscripts for publication, the Publisher Defendants will often require scholars to sign away all intellectual property rights, in exchange for nothing. The manuscripts then become the actual property of the Publisher Defendants, and the Publisher Defendants charge the maximum the market will bear for access to that scientific knowledge.
Reposted by Ian L. Campbell, Ph.D.

For many years now, the majority of the members of my faith in the U.S. have wholeheartedly endorsed a vile, amoral, & evil political agenda; every time I think that there is nothing left to shock me, they find a new way to grieve my soul. For obvious reasons, Matthew 25:41-46 has been on my mind

41 ā€œThen he will say to those on his left, ā€˜Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.ā€™ 44 Then they also will answer, saying, ā€˜Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?ā€™ 45 Then he will answer them, saying, ā€˜Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.ā€™ 46 And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.ā€

I bought mine new (RIP my wallet at the time), but my Steelcase Gesture has been great. It is also a very flexible chair for different sitting positions if you're a weirdo who folds your legs in various positions like me. I hear you can buy them from liquidators/secondhand near your budget!

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Ian L. Campbell, Ph.D.
Psychologist studying media cognition | Postdoc with | Open-Source Community Manager at | he/him
352 followers657 following152 posts