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Paula Schaap
Writer and editor. Also lawyer. Also, I play poker. And yes, that is my actual dog in the avatar. Her name is Muppet, the name she came with; we couldn't figure out a better one. Opinions my own; usual disclaimers.
345 followers190 following5.6k posts

This reminds me of that time I had one student in my remedial writing class who gave me all "F's" on the anonymous teacher survey, when everyone else mostly gave me "A's." For whatever reason, I could tell it was a student who barely passed and I realized he misunderstood how to mark his answers.


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Paula Schaap
Writer and editor. Also lawyer. Also, I play poker. And yes, that is my actual dog in the avatar. Her name is Muppet, the name she came with; we couldn't figure out a better one. Opinions my own; usual disclaimers.
345 followers190 following5.6k posts