Don't juggle books by their covers!
88 followers98 following2.5k posts

Not saying they should do it. But it would be too orderly for his speeches or even for written policy proposals. It just isn't far-fetched any other campaign would have elabirated it a list like FDR's Four Freedoms I get keeping it simple and vague. Ihbwell


Trump has had ten years to elaborate on that line Reagan's campaign supposedly used: MAGA. There could have been more variations, like this Healthy Again one. But apparently while rhetorically that would allow for multiple, memorable policy declarations, it would be too complex for supporters?


There are already plenty of mean people who use this site. I got dogpiled by one person proclaiming i was wrong and then others joined in. That went on for two days. There are already a lot of aholes on here. It is as bad as "the other site" because here they act above it all.


Day #1343 Then: Trump revels in North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson-- Who is currently the Republican candidate for Governor. Now: after sordid details of his hobbies emerge, Trump avoids him, worrying he might lose North Carolina

Day #1343

Then: Trump revels in North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson
Now: after sordid details of his hobbies emerge, Trump avoids him, worrying he might lose North Carolina

Two panels
First with Trump exoressing support of Robinson, saying he is "the Martin L. King of Me!"
The second, showing Robinson dressed like Nazi, has Trump saying he is okay with him being a Nazi into golden showers but hates that he bragged about it

Not exactly a mood Mainly tired of hot days. It's Autumn.

Not exactly a mood
Mainly tired of hot days.

It's Autumn.

As I was sending that, I realized it was presumptuous to think you might be using a Mac. It is also available for Windows, if that is what you use. I know you probably use PS for your Caillou in film series. I hope the alternative is well-suited for that, too.


I am grateful about 2 things: that I remembered a trial period offer for the Affinity products, and, that unlike a bunch of strangers, you didn't "yell" at me on this crappy website. I have gotten dogpiled more on this in the past year than on the site they left

Affinity makes Designer, Photo, and Publisher free for six months
Affinity makes Designer, Photo, and Publisher free for six months

The entire Affinity suite of art, photography, and design apps for Mac and iPad are now available free in a much-extended six-month trial.


I wish anyone who completes one the best. But, I am also a person who is comfortable calling comics "comics." I won't flinch at "funny books" either. I just hope a lot of good stuff is made, published, read, enjoyed.


They should have learned that lesson when it was the 40/40 club. Did they learn nothing from the prior Homerun chasers with Maguire, Sosa, and Bonds?

Don't juggle books by their covers!
88 followers98 following2.5k posts