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Rob Edmunds
I'm a Welsh writer of two novels about the ancient Numidian King Masinissa set during the Second Punic War between Rome and Carthage. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 ⵜⴰⵏⵎⵎⵉⵔⵜ
6.2k followers6k following760 posts

The Roman city gate Porta Nigra in Trier, Germany. It is the finest surviving Roman building north of the Alps. Construction began after 170AD. In 1030 Saint Simeon was enclosed in a cell there. He died 5 years later and was buried in his cell. Miracles were reported at his tomb shortly after. 🏺

The Porta Nigra has twin semi-circular watchtowers which would have allowed sentries on three floors a wide field of vision against any approaches from beyond the Roman frontier. The walls show plenty of wear but are extremely well preserved. The roof is flat and without any obvious crenellations. It appears more of a residence or an administrative building rather than a fortification. A little incongruously, there are a pair of small palm trees in the foreground.

The giant Basalt lion sculpture from the Ain Dara temple complex in Syria. The temple itself dates from around the 13th century BC and was discovered in 1955. The site was largely destroyed in 2018/19 and the lion sculpture was stolen, it’s condition and whereabouts are now unknown. ancientbluesky 🏺

The sculpture is seen in profile with the head and chest dominating. The sculpture, whilst large, appears neat and compact, its short legs and paws are drawn in and there is no width in the shoulders. There is sharpness and detail to the features of the lions face. The eye, snout and whiskers are sharply defined. The ear, I think that’s what it’s meant to be, is folded or braided and resembles a horn that extends beneath the lions jawline. It looks a little like an Iron Age torc. Whilst its mouth is agape, the impression is not a fearsome one. Whilst I don’t wish to be facetious, the lion aesthetically does bear a passing resemblance to the characters in the Hanna-Barbera cartoon series Top Cat. That might not be a common association however!

The poet Apollinaire in 1916 after he was wounded during Word War I. He coined the term Surrealism in 1917 to describe that new art movement “When man resolved to imitate walking, he invented the wheel, which does not look like a leg. In doing this, he was practicing surrealism without knowing it.”

A colorized photograph of the French poet, playwright and novelist Guillaume Apollinaire. He would have been in his mid-thirties at the time it was taken. The top of his head is visible and his hair is closely shaven and dark. The top part of his head is bandaged as he had been injured at the front line during World War One and had suffered a shrapnel wound to his temple. He sports a reasonably well trimmed goatee beard and looks at the camera or just beyond it with an uncertain expression. His eyes look curious but perhaps wary and his mouth is slightly open as if he is about to speak or exclaim rather than pose. He wears the pale blue uniform of the French infantry of the period. An epaulette is visible but nothing is visibly indicated on it. At the tip of his collar is the number 96 which may indicate the regiment he served with. He died a couple of years later on the 9th of November 1918, two days before Armistice Day which ended hostilities on the Western Front.

  This mural of Julius Caesar is located outside the Roman Walls of Lugo. The city walls are the most complete example of Roman military architecture within the Western Roman Empire. The mural was created by the graffiti and urban artist Diego AS. It was awarded the best mural in the world in 2022 🏺

A mural of Julius Caesar against the otherwise plain wall of a house or building of roughly six stories. The figure looks determined and heroic and wears a laurel crown. He has across his shoulders a flowing paludamentum, the Roman cape or cloak. His right forearm is raised forwards and obscures his upper body a little but an ornate cuirass of some kind is visible behind it. The mural is highly detailed and achromatic, in the extent that it blends in with the bluish grey colour of the building on which it was drawn. In stark contrast at ground level is a bright yellow mobile crane which must have been used by the artist to reach the higher points of the artwork.

The Roman wall surrounding the city of Lugo in Galicia is the only complete Roman wall remaining. According to legend the Romans built it to protect a forest and not a city, the“Sacred Forest of Augusto”. The walls still contain 85 towers and have survived intact for 18 centuries. ancientbluesky 🏺

Part of the pathway at the top of the Roman wall which encircles the Galician city of Lugo in Galicia. it is at quite an elevated position above a road to its right. The path is roughly sand in colour and is quite sinuous but appears to take a sharper curve to the left in the distance. To the left is the inner city with two church steeples being the most prominent features. The side wall of a house is visible to the right of the Roman wall with an indistinct mural of a young girl.

A section of the painting "Scipio presents gifts to the king of Numidia, Massinissa." by the Italian Baroque painter Lazzaro Baldi. (1624-1703) It depicts a scene that I also wrote about in my first novel about Masinissa (1 less S for me!) The jewels Scipio Africanus offers him really sparkle!

A section of the painting "Scipio presents gifts to the king of Numidia, Massinissa" with the two then opposing generals looking at one another. In their own ways, both look regal. Massinissa wears a flowing scarlet robe and an ornate helmet with what appears to be a dragon at its apex. Scipio wears a drabber robe but wears a pointed crown nestled in surprising blond curly hair. He is clutching his hand to his chest in a gesture that might be one of respect or appeal and with his right offers what looks like a belt or chain of gold and jewels. Massinissa also has his left hand on this item of jewellery. Below them is a figure of uncertain age and a pile of gold objects, including a helmet. Over Massinissa's left shoulder, two helmeted soldiers eye the gifts. The background is slightly murkier but there are outlines of a few other soldiers and a building of some kind.

A pair of Etruscan Bronze attachments, circa 5th Century B.C. They depict the 3rd and 4th Labours of Hercules, the capture of the Ceryneian Hind and the Erymanthian boar. The lion skin-clad Heracles is on the left and Iolaus, his charioteer and one of the Argonauts, is on the right. 🏺 ancientbluesky

A pair of bronze ornaments representing the ancient, mythical heroes Heracles and Iolaus. The two are very similar in design and feature the two men either side of their prey wielding clubs. The difference is that the one to the left has the Erymanthian boar in the centre and the one to the right has the Ceryneian hind. The men are standing on a radiating palmette, resembling a large palm leaf, of about the same height as the men.

The legacies of Roman Emperors can be varied. Vespasian, known for the Colosseum, is also more humbly associated with public toilets in Italy and France, known as Vespasiano and Vespasienne. This association arose as a result of a tax he imposed upon the collection of urine. ancientbluesky 🏺

A photographic diptych featuring two photographs, one of a marble bust of the Emperor Vespasian and another of a stone public urinal, known in Italy as a Vespasiano. The bust shows the Emperor in profile. His lips are quite pursed in an unusual sort of way, suggesting irritation or anxiety in his features. The nose is partially damaged but the rest of the sculpture is largely intact. He seems to be mostly bald with wisps of hair at his temples. The Vespasiano public urinal is quite narrow and compact with some ornamentation. Its concealing panels are about three feet in height starting at about a foot above ground level. It has a sturdy, looking curved roof to protect the visitor from the elements. There are palm trees in the background.

'But now, for the first time, I see you are a man like me. I thought of your hand-grenades, of your bayonet, of your rifle; now I see your wife and your face and our fellowship. Forgive me, comrade. We always see it too late.' Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front Remembrance

A German soldier lighting the cigarette of a British soldier during World War I. Both are gaunt and dirty and there may have been a recent battle. The Britiah soldier has some kkndnof field dressing on his neck. It is uncertain if either is a prisoner.

I'm not able to attest to the authenticity of the accents in this video but I was fascinated by the range of ancient languages spoken. The general style seems to resemble the Bee Gees in their heyday, millennia before hairdryers, let alone disco, had been invented!

The Sound of Ancient Languages. Full Version. You Haven't Seen Anything Like This Before!
The Sound of Ancient Languages. Full Version. You Haven't Seen Anything Like This Before!

Dive into the fascinating realm of ancient languages with our enthralling video. Encounter the alluring sounds of historical civilizations through the skillf...

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Rob Edmunds
I'm a Welsh writer of two novels about the ancient Numidian King Masinissa set during the Second Punic War between Rome and Carthage. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 ⵜⴰⵏⵎⵎⵉⵔⵜ
6.2k followers6k following760 posts