Robin Lamboll
Climate sciences research fellow at Imperial College London. UK poetry slam champion 2019.
187 followers133 following49 posts

I am astonished to report that basically all the papers written by a Chris Smith in climate change are by the same, and yet somehow he's not been offered a permanent position yet?


I think you missed Prof X's lecture where we were taught mind control. It was immediately after the one where we learned to control hurricanes. In fairness, calling 1.6C-peak pathways 1.5C is a jedi mind trick, but the essay would read differently if it had to denote how much overshoot it means.

Reposted by Robin Lamboll

Understanding the consequences of potential overshoot above the 1.5°C warming level has been the focus of the PROVIDE project and the work by a great group of interdisciplinary authors has just been published in Here’s what we found: 1/

Overconfidence in climate overshoot - Nature
Overconfidence in climate overshoot - Nature

Aiming for declining global temperatures can limit long-term climate risks compared with a mere stabilization of global warming, including sea-level rise and cryosphere changes.


The New Scientist kindly quote me saying "Please don't use that headline". Interesting study but most policies are designed NOT to make sudden breaks in behaviour (which this detects but people dislike), but to build greener societies (gradual effects).

Most climate policies do little to prevent climate change
Most climate policies do little to prevent climate change

An analysis of 1500 climate policies in 41 countries has found that a slim minority have led to a significant reduction in carbon emissions, with most policies being too specifically targeted to make ...


Next week is the Royal Geographic society annual meeting, and on Thursday I'll give a workshop on making predictions for climate science and policy. I will provide cookies. Geographers prefer oatmeal+ 1️⃣ 90% chocolate90% chocolate60% chocolate60% chocolate60% raisin60% raisin90% raisin90% raisin📊 Show results

Reposted by Robin Lamboll

Breaking: China’s CO2 emissions fell 1% in Q2 of 2024, the first quarterly fall since the end of zero-Covid, following five straight quarters of increases. Full-year emissions are on track to fall this year, but only if electricity demand growth eases as expected.


🧪 's paper is out now! We show tipping point risks can be reduced by limiting how long we stay above 1.5C of warming. This is why reducing emissions this decade is crucial for the state of the planet! Https://


This Sunday at 11am I'll be reading some physics poetry for Sunday Assembly London, now located in the Backyard Comedy Club in Bethnal Green!


Art. 4 refers to *emissions* peaking, and strictly indicates net 0 GHG emissions, whereas strong overshoot requires negative net GHG. You can get weak overshoot in pathways without net negative GHG because the methane warming decreases over time, but not that much!

Text: In order to achieve the long-term temperature goal set out in Article 2, Parties aim to reach global peaking of greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible, recognizing that peaking will take longer for developing country Parties, and to undertake rapid reductions thereafter in accordance with best available science, so as to achieve a balance between anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of this century, on the basis of equity, and in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty.

I had a discussion about Paris temp targets recently. I don't see any reference to "end of century" in the text. The convention of allowing overshoot for 1.5C is because 1.5C is difficult and weakly stated in the text. We can't apply this to the well-below-2C target.

Paris agreement text: "Holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below
2°C above pre-industrial levels and pursuing efforts to limit the temperature
increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, recognizing that this would
significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change"
Robin Lamboll
Climate sciences research fellow at Imperial College London. UK poetry slam champion 2019.
187 followers133 following49 posts