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Elijah Woodn't
Still just wish this child would sleep
436 followers241 following5.9k posts

We rely on hurting people so we can have treats and gadgets. Nuke em all, who cares. I need to drive to my email job in a 6,000 lb truck. Everyone has the Other, but our system relies on us keeping every one else down and believing they belong there. Give us your cheap labor, oil, water, land


I specified that we're built for violence. We used to be able to indulge in our visions of the righteous white conqueror and master, but now we're supposed to be nice to everyone in sight. It's not working.


Contained in there is the preservation of the oppressors' system. Was it the job of slaves to free themselves without disturbing us? Or should we have sacrificed our own comforts much sooner to free them?


The point isn't that there is no imaginable scenario where the US stops doing all this shit. It's that the US is built to resist democracy and promote private profit. It's that we're irreversibly harming people and risking the future of life on this planet the longer we go on.


It's a tool to entrench existing power, which started off and continues to be racist. No one is signing up for this plan to colonize red states, because the red states have the power to be undesirable.


I said that we have never provided any benefit to people of color? Or that white people are particularly empowered by our system to hold onto control of needless political entities like states?


These aren't incidental harms, but inherent to capitalism. Extraction is profitable, fair trade is not. Bribing a tyrant is good business. Letting the people own the oil fields or farmland or water, well, that's gonna cost us too much.


We and our allies are committed to oppression for our gain, and self-governance for other people gets in the way of that. Our Gulf monarch client states could be very vulnerable without our support, but we prop them up and ensure they can inflict further harm inside and outside their borders


We force other countries into a struggle for survival against our military, economic, and political power. In nearly every case, these countries are postcolonial and therefore not white. So no, they are not gifted with mystical wisdom.


We nuked two Japanese cities to show how powerful we were, and then invaded multiple countries to prevent communism from spreading. Elsewhere, we gave our preferred leaders weapons, money, and international legitimacy. We pulled China into our crusade against their form of government

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Elijah Woodn't
Still just wish this child would sleep
436 followers241 following5.9k posts