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Associate Professor at Nanzan University 南山大学-国際教養学部 Conversation Analysis, TBLT, Motivation & Engagement, Language Assessment, Music Enthusiast, Aging punk living in Mattersville Personal Views
34 followers54 following128 posts

For some incredibly dumb reason, it never dawned on me until today that the root of the word "laboratory" is *labor*.



It all makes sense now.



looked out the window just in time to see an old guy in a red convertible with a human sized Ms. Kitty in the passenger seat.


Small academic wins (esp. when I generally feel that I don't know what I'm talking about ): Most citations of my work (as with many researchers) tend to be the "also talked about this" sort, without going in to what was said. So it's really flattering to find this...

It could also be argued that the practice in which people use the phrases ‘hvad betyder X?’ / ‘hvordan siger du på dansk?’ to make lexical inquiries constitutes planning as it happens in situ and in vivo. As Burch (2014: 657) notes, planning does not have to be thought of as an  invisible psychological construct, inaccessible to the analyst; instead, “plans can be made viewable by interactants through the unfolding trajectory of their interactions. Suchman (1987) suggests that such viewable plans, as “situated actions” (p. 6), can provide a resource for projecting and restructuring courses of action, creating and acting upon contingencies.” This seems to be exactly what people do when they ask the locally designated expert for an item up front, get it, and use it to formulate their communicative act.

Re-reading Firth & Wagner (1997) for the first time in probably 14 years. The paper is nearly 30 years old now, and though some great progress has been made in SLA, it still feels relevant to point this out.

In some senses this view is understandable: Feelings
of incompetence and difficulty when learning
a FL are surely commonplace, and often psychologically
salient. The problem as we see it, however,
is that studies of “difficulties” and “problems”
predominate. Moreover, the study of problems in
S/FL communication is implicitly taken to cast
more light on SLA than does a focus on, say,
communicative “successes.” Yet although largely
neglected by SLA in general and CS studies in
particular, the fact is that people often do succeed
in communicating in a FL even with quite limited
communicative resources; successful communication,
however, is perhaps less psychologically
salient, and this may, in part, explain its disregard
in SLA research. Nevertheless, we suggest that a
study of communicative successes—in addition to
studies of perceived failures and problems—may
provide new and productive insights into SLA.We
return, briefly, to this issue below.

My attempt at a Brian Setzer or Jeff Beck style approach to "All Of Me"

All Of Me
All Of Me


If I have any true successes as an educator, it's when I've been able to open the door for students to see things like this student has. This student plans to become an educator, so this is definitely something they can pay forward.

When I was in elementary school, I had a classmate from Brazil. He sometimes struggled with Japanese and he did not know what homework he had to do. I thought the reason why he did not do any assignments was because he was just lazy but now I think it is because he do not used to Japanese. So if I could change my past, I would help him somehow.
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Associate Professor at Nanzan University 南山大学-国際教養学部 Conversation Analysis, TBLT, Motivation & Engagement, Language Assessment, Music Enthusiast, Aging punk living in Mattersville Personal Views
34 followers54 following128 posts