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Rusty Boy Studios
Traveler / Trad & Digital Synesthesia Artist / Pancheros Enthusiast / He/Him / LGBTQIA+ POC Ally / Chaotic Good / Anti-AI/NFT
67 followers97 following24 posts

I may load up my Patreon here and allow current artwork showings around $2 a month and see how that functions. I'm done prompting art shows at all unless I can get some seriously ultra-reliable equipment.


It's really hard to want to keep up with art like this anymore. I'm so exhausted. I'm disabled, in a job doing too much that pays too little and siphons any free time I could have to draw. I need to upgrade what is already an amazing printer to have any solid chance of selling work.


I may load up my Patreon here and allow current artwork showings around $2 a month and see how that functions. I'm done prompting art shows at all unless I can get some seriously ultra-reliable equipment.


Screwed up by not assessing my printer needs ahead of an art show. You'd think after being an artist for 7 years and enduring things from the last several that would be able to conduct my business better but damn. I will never look at having autism as a positive thing, it only screws my life up.


Still getting into a groove right before my art show next week before fully returning to social media regularly. I will post a few pics of the show once things get going. Still very exhausted after dealing with Elon's garbage heap and finally pulling away.

Reposted by Rusty Boy Studios

The Six Fanarts challenge I took a few months ago, suggested by friends @ twitter

Reposted by Rusty Boy Studios

The copyright questions are not complex. Is it your copyrighted material? If yes, go to town. If no, then don't use it without permission and/or compensation, full stop.

Reposted by Rusty Boy Studios

I mentioned on Threads that I like Bluesky and someone who had tried and abandoned it asked me why I liked it. This was my response.

A Threads reply from me. Text reads: “Moderation tools are good, I get almost no harassment/abuse there even if I dare talk about ‹gasp!> progressive politics. There are lots of really engaged people talking about science, lots of journalists, and lots of fun people just posting clever stuff. There's no default algorithm so l only see posts from people I follow (and their shares) — it's WAY less annoying than the stuff that gets algorithmically pushed to me here. It's a chronological timeline. And I get good engagement/discussion.”
Reposted by Rusty Boy Studios

Meanwhile. Elsewhere and Elsewhen...

Reposted by Rusty Boy Studios

None of us can see the future, but it's not lookin' bright for Twitter. And while I'm enjoying sneering at the trash fire from the safety of BlueSky, I still mourn the loss of an invaluable means of signal-boosting and self-promo for independent and small creatives. I hope BlueSky can replace it.

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Rusty Boy Studios
Traveler / Trad & Digital Synesthesia Artist / Pancheros Enthusiast / He/Him / LGBTQIA+ POC Ally / Chaotic Good / Anti-AI/NFT
67 followers97 following24 posts