Sage Blue
We're, an ever-changing kaleidoscope filled with knowledge inherited from ancient and enduring martial arts traditions. We're delicately weaving the threads of the flowing harmony of Daoism and the introspective wisdom of the Vedic traditions.
6 followers0 following169 posts

Spiral Dynamics is all about moving internally with circles and twists. These types of movements are really important in Taiji – they make up the main parts of each form or routine, creating

Spiral Dynamics in Taijiquan
Spiral Dynamics in Taijiquan

Spiral Dynamics is all about moving internally with circles and twists. These types of movements are really important in Taiji – they make up the main parts of each form or routine, creating a sense...


Sage Blue
We're, an ever-changing kaleidoscope filled with knowledge inherited from ancient and enduring martial arts traditions. We're delicately weaving the threads of the flowing harmony of Daoism and the introspective wisdom of the Vedic traditions.
6 followers0 following169 posts