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Australian. Sick of the two party duopoly. Public health. Housing for all. A green future. Tax the billionaires. Peace.
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Is it too much to ask not to be gouged on the food we need to survive? At least the Greens are thinking about this. "The price of 30 basic essentials such as bread, milk and nappies would be capped, with increases tied to wages, under a new policy to be announced by the Queensland Greens".


Nice one! I can think of several ways a supermarket chain could get around such a gazettal. Number One would be not to stock the specified essentials. Actually, I remember a time when supermarket chains made milk really cheap. Consumers still weren't happy.


It’s not too much for those it impacts but politicians are insulated from real life and in government ones apparently more so. So insulated they regularly forget who votes!

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Australian. Sick of the two party duopoly. Public health. Housing for all. A green future. Tax the billionaires. Peace.
125 followers83 following666 posts