Alex SM
Never got into Twitter so giving this a go and exploring this new tool. Passionate about • personal finances, • investing • space exploration • science fiction • cybersecurity Professional income tax advisor | EU based
2 followers14 following15 posts

Comet Tsuchinshan may be visible on Oct 12 with a naked eye if luminous enough. Last time this cosmic traveler visited Earth Homo sapiens was migrating out of Africa. Wonder what it will see during its next visit.

'Most anticipated' comet of 2024 returns this weekend after 80,000 years
'Most anticipated' comet of 2024 returns this weekend after 80,000 years

For the first time in 80,000 years, the comet C/2023 A3 - also known as Tsuchinshan-ATLAS - is making its grand return to our skies.


Interesting insight into the implications of giving and receiving gifts. Like with everything else, giving a gift implies an expectation of a benefit - whether materially by receiving something back, or immaterially via appreciation, referrals, or indirectly by bettering society.


Some great thoughts and lessons from one shark about another. I particularly loved the 24 second shot clock reference to basketball to force a decision. Which one was your favorite and why?

10 Things I Learned from Mark Cuban
10 Things I Learned from Mark Cuban

I have now been doing Shark Tank for almost 20 years. Kevin O’Leary and I started with the show in Canada (called Dragon’s Den) and did it there for about five years.


The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must Thucydides, The Melian Dialogue


Sign me up for #3 and the ships in For all mankind!


More competition is good although without reentry capabilities the market will likely still steer the demand towards spacex.

Reposted by Alex SM

ULA's reentry marks the end of a period in which SpaceX was the only company competing for rights to launch the agency's large science missions.

NASA is ready to start buying Vulcan rockets from United Launch Alliance
NASA is ready to start buying Vulcan rockets from United Launch Alliance

The second test flight of the Vulcan rocket is scheduled for liftoff on October 4.


If you have a window every 2 years it makes perfect sense to have a fleet launched to be able to properly test the various stages of flight and descent. I expect Tesla bots to be acting as crew to test radiation impact and the space suits!

SpaceX will start launching Starships to Mars in 2026, Elon Musk says
SpaceX will start launching Starships to Mars in 2026, Elon Musk says

'These will be uncrewed to test the reliability of landing intact on Mars. If those landings go well, then the first crewed flights to Mars will be in 4 years.'

Alex SM
Never got into Twitter so giving this a go and exploring this new tool. Passionate about • personal finances, • investing • space exploration • science fiction • cybersecurity Professional income tax advisor | EU based
2 followers14 following15 posts