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SE Gyges
Como todos los hombres de Babilonia, he sido procónsul; como todos, esclavo; también he conocido la omnipotencia, el oprobio, las cárceles.
33 followers122 following446 posts

NYT and the Bloomberg plaintiffs might have a slightly stronger case, because their data is given extra focus for being high quality; it strengthens the claim that the model is ripping off them, specifically, by name


so: my prediction for any of these lawsuits prevailing is actually that OAI etc work out a deal saying they have to pay off *those named litigants*, or publishing houses, but refuse to contemplate paying off everyone whose data is used

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SE Gyges
Como todos los hombres de Babilonia, he sido procónsul; como todos, esclavo; también he conocido la omnipotencia, el oprobio, las cárceles.
33 followers122 following446 posts