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Sarah Parkinson
Political scientist at Johns Hopkins. MENA, org politics, disasters, violence, ethics, & qual methods. Wrote a book about Palestinian org evolution & social change in wartime Lebanon: EMT. Opinions my own.
1.4k followers768 following439 posts

Israel assassinated 3 PFLP members in an apartment in Cola in Beirut. It’s a civilian neighborhood. There are NGOs, universities, & embassies nearby. Clothing stores, restaurants, & pharmacies line the streets. People thought this area was relatively safe; displaced came to stay here. Source: AJ

Screenshot from Al-Jazeera news feed. Photo shows a blocky concrete residential high rise with balconies that stretch along the front of each apartment. The sixth floor appears to be blown out, with damage visible above and below. A firefighter and a resident are looking at the building.
Screenshot from Al-Jazeera feed. Article reads: “There has been an air strike in the Kola intersection here in Beirut.” The piece emphasizes that the strike was in Beirut proper, in an area that is a transit hub. It emphasizes that this is a civilian neighborhood with shops and markets.

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Sarah Parkinson
Political scientist at Johns Hopkins. MENA, org politics, disasters, violence, ethics, & qual methods. Wrote a book about Palestinian org evolution & social change in wartime Lebanon: EMT. Opinions my own.
1.4k followers768 following439 posts