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Seraph Abell INARORA'S EXCURSION 09/22/24!
Ser-ahf. they/she. White disaster queer author & artist (Urban Fantasy/Fanfic). Aroace/enby. AuDHD. RDM. Pagan. BLM. Ibiki, Kakashi, & Sakumo Brain Rot. Taken by a Space Dog.
462 followers225 following1.8k posts
Reposted by Seraph Abell INARORA'S EXCURSION 09/22/24!

September 2024 Book Releases Recap! Here are the books about autism, or with Autistic main characters, written by Autistic authors, published this month! 🧵 #AutismBooks#AutisticAuthors#Autism#Autistic#ActuallyAutistic

Graphic with text at the top stating Autism Books by Autistic Authors. Published September 2024. In the centre is a collage of book covers, tilted on an angle. Each book is listed in detail in the subsequent graphics and text. At the bottom is the text The Autism Books by Autistic Authors Project @AutisticBooks. In the bottom corner is a small logo with colourful books and a small plant either side.
Reposted by Seraph Abell INARORA'S EXCURSION 09/22/24!

Books with Autistic characters, written by Autistic authors. Published September 2024.

Graphic with text Books with Autistic Characters by Autistic Authors. Published September 2024. Displays the book covers for: 

- White Noise by Raelke Grimmer
- Compound Fracture by Andrew Joseph White
- Inarora’s Excursion by Seraph Abell
- The Binding of Bloom Mountain: Definitive Edition by Vesper Doom
- The Wickedest Town by McKenzie Catron-Pichan
- It’s Only A Little Death by Shane Blackheart
Reposted by Seraph Abell INARORA'S EXCURSION 09/22/24!

PayPal is updating their ToS to let themselves give your data to merchants starting in November and they're certainly banking on people not knowing to opt out, SO to opt out before they start: go to Settings > Data & Privacy > Manage shared info > Personalized shopping, and toggle that shit off

Screenshot of PayPal's Terms of Service update, outlining their "personalized shopping" feature where they allow themselves the right to give info about you to other companies

In RVA today and I hit up a store with my cousin and I found this gem. Had to buy it, even tho I don’t even have a PSP let alone a Japanese region one. Worth it.

A box containing a game with the chibi version of the main characters. Translated, it reads “Haruka Beyond the Stream of Time”, not sure on the meaning of the bottom text and can’t look right now.
Reposted by Seraph Abell INARORA'S EXCURSION 09/22/24!

Yesterday while I was working I hyperfixated on redrawing this cover for the millionth time. I kept messing up the poses and angles and I think this time I have it? Also this may be one of the few times Hiiragi ACTUALLY looks like his father LMAO. #Naruto#Fanfiction#WritingCommunity#RealArt

A cover for a Naruto fanfic called "Letting Go" featuring Hiiragi Morino and Tsukiya Hatake, with Danzō Shimura in the background.

While in incognito mode so your searches don't think you have children because I do not, in fact, have children. Nor do I want them. I'm just writing little ones.


Random update: the fun part of writing fanfiction with a very tiny one in it (Tsukiya at 2 years old) is having to google what Japanese food they can have at that age. Or what toys a 2 y/o would be using.


Yesterday while I was working I hyperfixated on redrawing this cover for the millionth time. I kept messing up the poses and angles and I think this time I have it? Also this may be one of the few times Hiiragi ACTUALLY looks like his father LMAO. #Naruto#Fanfiction#WritingCommunity#RealArt

A cover for a Naruto fanfic called "Letting Go" featuring Hiiragi Morino and Tsukiya Hatake, with Danzō Shimura in the background.
Reposted by Seraph Abell INARORA'S EXCURSION 09/22/24!


I made a graphic for my Naruto Fanfic for shits n giggles. 👀 (Cover version #9420 for Letting Go. CanNOT get the damn cover right). (I'm actually gonna rework Fallen Life bc there's...A LOT that I need to fix up. Fire and Ice will get a rework too, eventually).

A graphic featuring five hand drawn covers for the Tsukiya's Story series. Featuring Fire and Ice, Fallen Life, Village of Genjutsu, Letting Go, and Castle of Glass
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Seraph Abell INARORA'S EXCURSION 09/22/24!
Ser-ahf. they/she. White disaster queer author & artist (Urban Fantasy/Fanfic). Aroace/enby. AuDHD. RDM. Pagan. BLM. Ibiki, Kakashi, & Sakumo Brain Rot. Taken by a Space Dog.
462 followers225 following1.8k posts