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Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right.
15.6k followers2.3k following9.7k posts

David Neiwert has been one of the sharpest observers and analysts of the US right since the 1980s. His work from the early 2000s is eerie in terms of how prescient it now seems. At the time, however , precious few mainstream outlets paid any attention to his reporting .

The Election Story Nobody Wants to Talk About
The Election Story Nobody Wants to Talk About

A Q&A with David Neiwert, America’s foremost writer and thinker on far-right extremism, on what might happen if Trump wins—or loses


Neiwert was one of the first bloggers I followed on a regular basis. Still one of the best.


I remember reading The Eliminationists and thinking how great it was that the author had done such a deep dive into the subject. Now the people he wrote about seem to be in our faces everywhere. I liked it better when they felt more on the fringe.


David Neiwert lost me right here because he is wrong. There is nothing unstable about the Jan 6th insurrectionists. They were everyday regular White People. Check out what the Dir. of Chicago Project on Security And Threats has to say about how regular they were.


Neiwert wrote a long piece in 2003 where he carefully considered whether it was appropriate to refer to features of the US right like "the Patriot movement" as posing a potentially fascistic threat to American democracy. His conclusion was that it looked possible, esp. if the right leader emerged.

It also confirms that such forces are at work in the United States — though not, importantly enough, in the form of such mainstream GOP figures as Rush Limbaugh and George W. Bush. We may hear Republican luminaries from time to time refer to the theme of national rebirth, but not frequently enough that it's become a major theme (yet); and their nationalistic and populist tendencies are well-known, but both are mitigated to a great extent by their steadfast refusal to partake of the conspiracy theories and anti-Semitism and other forms of extremist thinking common to populists.
However, as the little Eco exercise demonstrated, there are enough similarities between these figures and the behavior of historical fascists to throw up a warning sign. And as we'll see, they do indeed play an important role in the potential for a resurgence of genuine fascism in America.

Enjoying this. Just wanted to say thanks for sharing it.


There's a demo that's spent an entire lifetime tensing up and clenching their jaw like a suspect on COPS about to assault the arresting officer




I'm reading In God's Country now - such excellent research & writing.

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Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right.
15.6k followers2.3k following9.7k posts