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she/her Beep boop I do computer 🏳️‍⚧️ Cyber security | Vidya james | Photography | hot takes | ALL traffic barrel Ramblings:
69 followers202 following1.2k posts
Reposted by ⛵🔌

👋 A few friends in the U.S. have recently asked me how to get into cybersecurity, where to start, whether to go for a degree or certification, where to find work, etc. If you have any ideas or resources on this topic that I can pass along, please share them here.

Reposted by ⛵🔌

orkney rocks

big geometric slabs of yellow/orange rock on a stoney beach  the one nearest to the camera looks a bit like a sandwich    koru the dog is in the distance looking back at me
striated rock on sole shingley sand showing stripes of red, orange, green
more stripey rock looking like layers of flakey pastry with the sea and cliffs far off in the background
a very pleasing grey oval stone with bands of black rock all round it - the black rock must be harder as some of the grey stone has worn away between the stripes of black
Reposted by ⛵🔌

Lewis Carroll invented the nyctograph so he could write at night, in the dark, without lighting a candle First, a stencil of many squares let him write each letter Then, a special encoded "font" that only uses the outside edges of the squares let him write perfectly neatly

top: a stencil of squares
bottom: the special alphabet, which only uses dots and lines along the 4 edges and 4 corners of the square to represent each letter

I love the comparison between the cybertruck and the most efficient result from car builder sim for the apple II


Be sure to have the video only last two minutes as you demonstrate how quickly you can 'design' a wedge.


My favorite wallpaper is Shader Editor. You can put just about any shader code and set it as your wallpaper. Paying for wallpapers is some 2000s ringtone shit.


I think at the end of the day, as long as your controls are intuitive and accessible you can do whatever you want with them. In-fact, I believe if you're really creative you can work the controls into the game experience itself instead of merely being a way to puppet a digital character.


And that is only considering the five buttons used for the most basic of interactions in the game. I'm still asking which button is crouch. Is there an interact key, is it E or F? How do I use my abilities if there are any. My point being, I'm still gonna spend two minutes customizing my controls.


That's a very expensive printer to just leave laying about.


Unless of course your heard a pop and smelled the magic smoke 😬

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she/her Beep boop I do computer 🏳️‍⚧️ Cyber security | Vidya james | Photography | hot takes | ALL traffic barrel Ramblings:
69 followers202 following1.2k posts