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Sid Fiore Branca
i make & study moving images, the pervert’s medium 🎭🩸📹 into queer horror, where film meets stage performance, & watching every clown movie 🎪 experimental filmmaker, video editor, & adjunct faculty at SAIC. they/them.
226 followers378 following939 posts

she does still at least partly make a living this way again, but it's unclear to me how much she wants the link publicized? she did live in a monastery for a while which seems like it helped


i won't be in chicago on thursday (10/3) but if you will be, two of my favorite films are playing on different sides of town: Nowhere (1997, Gregg Araki) on DCP (i'm assuming the exciting new one) at Doc Films Trouble Every Day (2001, Claire Denis) on 35mm(!) at 📽️


my folsom fomo intensifies


it's definitely a different thing, but I am so fascinated by the American Film Theatre project from the '70s

American Film Theatre - Wikipedia
American Film Theatre - Wikipedia


the Jonathan Pryce and Jason Robards stuff in the library was my favorite part. the child actors aren't bad per se (also interesting that 1 of Shawn Carson's 2 other acting credits is Tobe Hooper's The Funhouse), but then that scene is like oh two experienced actors being given actual character work


a tragedy that the captions on the version i was watching didn't work so i couldn't get a screenshot of Jonathan Pryce saying "we butter our plain bread with delicious pain" // a couple other quick notes here

A review of Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983)
A review of Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983)

caveat that i watched this in an absolutely wretched youtube upload that i think was screen recorded in a variable frame rate, this really looked liked shit to the point that i felt a little bad watch...


i didn't really care for the '83 Something Wicked This Way Comes adaptation despite director Jack Clayton, but the absolute -garbage- quality file i saw and my childhood fixation on the book likely got in the way of enjoying it. but i do need you to know Jonathan Pryce is low key kinda hot in it

a 30-something Jonathan Pryce, wearing a suit and top hat, holding a cane, and leading a parade of clowns playing brass instruments. he looks like a sexy magician, which unfortunately for me is one of my types

part of going on a date with a new person is accepting the possibility that it might not be super fun or just might not work out for whatever reason, as long as you're not being an asshole or a creep i think it's really okay


me making my little posts

the titles of chapters of The Autobiography of a Clown, the autobiography of Jules Turnour "as told to" Isaac Marcosson, read by Lee Smalley. I Become a Clown. I Join the Tented Circus. I Tell About Clown Tricks. I Learn About Life. I Relate Some Clown History. I Give My Creed

i hope i get to read it!

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Sid Fiore Branca
i make & study moving images, the pervert’s medium 🎭🩸📹 into queer horror, where film meets stage performance, & watching every clown movie 🎪 experimental filmmaker, video editor, & adjunct faculty at SAIC. they/them.
226 followers378 following939 posts