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The impact of propaganda and politics. Glóbalisti. Í feminísku rétttrúnaðarkirkjunni. I block bots and trolls.
122 followers198 following497 posts
Reposted by Simmi

*The Taos Hum, the Windsor Hum, the Auckland Hum, the Bitcoin Hum


Argentína er austerity á sterum "More than half of Argentina's 46 million people are now living in poverty...The poverty figure for the first six months of this year was 52.9%, up from 41.7% in the second half of 2023, said the country's Indec statistics"

Argentina records sharp rise in poverty
Argentina records sharp rise in poverty

More than half of people in Argentina are now living in poverty, latest figures indicate.

Reposted by Simmi

The Revolutionary Blackout Network is an organization that claims to be about black power and black liberation but in reality they tend to spew Kremlin talking points and they are more harsh on Democrats than Republicans.

Revolutionary Blackout Network: Portrait of a Tankie Vatnik Organization
Revolutionary Blackout Network: Portrait of a Tankie Vatnik Organization

It is a pro-Russia group disguised as a black liberation group

Reposted by Simmi

With two back-to-back rallies on the Mall in Washington, DC and the fallout from Hurricane Helene, the Republican and Kremlin propagandists had an incredibly busy weekend taking advantage of the situation.

The Kremlin and the GOP Had a Very Busy Weekend
The Kremlin and the GOP Had a Very Busy Weekend

Two rallies on the Mall in Washington, DC that turned out to be a bust and Hurricane Helene brings out the Kremlin propagandists while Donald Trump makes that hurricane all about himself for profit


Not in this case. This is all Israel and if anything this is against US interests in the region. Jeremy Bowen gives a more detailed analysis why on the BBC News

Jeremy Bowen: Huge Israel strike in Beirut strike leaves West powerless
Jeremy Bowen: Huge Israel strike in Beirut strike leaves West powerless

Diplomats were hoping to calm matters - they will be looking at events with dismay.


Civilians will suffer most - this will not end well. "Western diplomats, among them Israel’s staunchest allies, were hoping to calm matters, urging Israel to accept a diplomatic solution. They will now be looking at events with dismay and also a sense of powerlessness."

Jeremy Bowen: Huge Israel strike in Beirut strike leaves West powerless
Jeremy Bowen: Huge Israel strike in Beirut strike leaves West powerless

Diplomats were hoping to calm matters - they will be looking at events with dismay.


Það er þetta með málið og hvernig það er notað. Heldur einhver að Miðflokkurinn sé miðjuflokkur? Að Frelsisflokkurinn í Austuríki, sé boðberi frelsis? Að lýðræðisflokkurinn í Svíþjóð boði lýðræði? Hvað með þann nýjasta íslenska?


Þvælan í Reykjavíkurbréfi Morgunblaðsins fór í nýjar hæðir um helgina þegar ritari þess fór að ræða um fjármál Kamala Harris. Bullið sem borið er á borð fyrir lesendur Morgunblaðsins er þannig að vart er hægt að komast fjær því sem rétt er.

Kamala Harris' wealth comes mostly from her and her husband's investments, records show
Kamala Harris' wealth comes mostly from her and her husband's investments, records show

Fifteen years of tax returns show how Kamala Harris, who is now the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, became a millionaire as a public servant.


It's sad how much this looks like the US is backing a genocidal regime

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The impact of propaganda and politics. Glóbalisti. Í feminísku rétttrúnaðarkirkjunni. I block bots and trolls.
122 followers198 following497 posts