Simon scarfe
I help people make websites (Typescript, React, AWS serverless). Find myself fiddling with little side projects in my spare time. Pine endlessly for the pre-BigTech web. Play guitar with little skill or discipline. Streak runner on injury-driven hiatus.
216 followers60 following8 posts

.. I get that that’s a mindset a good 15 years out of date. I understand that money is a thing, and in the age of LLMs, that “juicy content“ is basically oil. But fucking hell, still makes me sad. 🤷 Back to federating all of the things.


Great shout, on playing with some of the ones I just used, looks like indexing lags so you don’t get the immediacy of a fully formed feature. I wonder how quickly a new post gets indexed.


Outside of that, here’s a bunch of hashtags to describe some things I might blather about: #running #jazzguitar #football (#ncfc) #mma #films (#letterboxd) #chiptune #boardgames #tv #zettelkasten #roamresearch #quantifiedself #podcasts #videogames (#slaythespire #tetris)

Simon scarfe
I help people make websites (Typescript, React, AWS serverless). Find myself fiddling with little side projects in my spare time. Pine endlessly for the pre-BigTech web. Play guitar with little skill or discipline. Streak runner on injury-driven hiatus.
216 followers60 following8 posts