Sinny Jenn
She/they Leftist trans lesbian in her late 30s Avatar by awhekate
38 followers43 following31 posts

I have no idea if this will work since I’m barely on here, but I’m in dire need of funds so I can move across the country. I’ve received transphobic harassment here- please see my GFM:

Donate to Help Sinny Move to Safety and Stability, organized by Sinny R
Donate to Help Sinny Move to Safety and Stability, organized by Sinny R

I was working as a teacher in a conservative county. I came out as trans near the end … Sinny R needs your support for Help Sinny Move to Safety and Stability

Reposted by Sinny Jenn

Reposted by Sinny Jenn

I don’t always agree with the boomers but please stop making me download an app every time I wanna use a product please for the love of god


I'm back on Bluesky, I suppose. I have no idea what I'm doing hahaha

Reposted by Sinny Jenn

Lamentation, by Gerard David, 1515-23, 📸 by Alex Pantling

Reposted by Sinny Jenn

Double Portrait with Wine Glass, by Marc Chagall, 1917-18, 📸 by Ronald Martinez

Reposted by Sinny Jenn

The Garden of Earthly Delights, by Hieronymus Bosch, 1480-1505, 📸 via @nocontextcbb

Reposted by Sinny Jenn

Saint Christopher carrying the Christ Child, by Bernardo Strozzi, 1640, 📸 by @dcarrollphoto

Reposted by Sinny Jenn

i hate facebook

Reposted by Sinny Jenn

important PSA about Sophia McAllister, aka Sophie From Mars. sharing this here with permission

I have to talk about some bad things that happened. I wish I didn't.
Difficult to articulate what I want to say personally here. This is maybe a strange thing to say about a woman whose cigarette burns you are still healing from, but I can’t make myself hate Sophie. I don’t want to destroy her or her career. But there has to be a warning.
After the day she gave me those burns I spoke to her about it privately and she was very contrite and insisted it was just me and a one time thing, and I felt a bit managed. And the second I pulled on that thread I found how many times this pattern had worked itself out.
It’s been one of those situations where the more I think about it, the more I remember and the worse I feel, even about things that in the moment I enjoyed or thought I did. And I think that’s a common experience with her.
What I want out of this is practically almost nothing. You don’t even have to stop watching her content, if she keeps making it. I just want her not to be able to convince anyone else that it’s their unique extreme nature that makes
Sophia 'Sophie from Mars' McAllister is a danger to other trans women
We are a group of trans women who have been harmed by Sophie. Some of us have dated and been in relationships with her, many others have hooked up with her. She has been abusive, controlling, indifferent to our consent or it's absence, and catastrophically selfish. Some of us have been permanently physically scarred. Some of us had drugs pressured on us. All of us have been left seriously hurt, both emotionally and physically.
We believe this represents a pattern of calculated, intentional abuse from Sophie, and that there may be many more she has harmed.
We are publicising this because the whisper network was not enough to protect us. If Sophie has a reputation for being unsafe we either did not hear about it or gave her the benefit of the doubt. We believe that for the safety of the community she must be linked to concrete, tangible harms.
As trans women, we neither trust nor want the authorities to be involved in this case. An institutionally transphobic system of criminal justice has no business here. We would not wish it on our worst enemy, and it would make all of us less safe. We ask that everyone respect our wishes on this.
Whatever follow this and however Sophie chooses to respond, any process of accountability and who participates in it is an individual decision rather than a collective one. The one thing we can confidently say we all share in feeling is that Sophie's actions must be known about so they can never happen again.
in solidarity,
Amy etherington
Morwenna Afon Emrys
Alice Caldwell-Kelly
Astrid Johnson
maisie bell
Sinny Jenn
She/they Leftist trans lesbian in her late 30s Avatar by awhekate
38 followers43 following31 posts