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Dr. Samantha Hancox-Li
writer and game designer. liberal, progressive liberal, neonliberal. associate editor at liberal currents. she/her.
2.7k followers138 following5.6k posts

what i hate? is the degree to which i find myself dwelling on these protests. metametaconversation, instead of talking about the plain facts on the ground--the need for peace and the fact that peace will not come until the palestinian right and need for self-determination is made real


Of the various unlikely paths to peace and dignity for I+P, one starts with the American public being forced to grapple with the untenable nature of Palestinians' situation and how we enable it, and for that reason I don't mind dwelling on the protests.


It’s a vortex of equivocation designed specifically to keep everyone talking about anything else.


I think it’s very human for us to pivot to topics/matters that feel like we have more input or power to change. The root problem in I/P is so deep, ugly, and intractable, I think a lot of ppl have switched to color commentary on the protests if only to feel like they’re making a difference

0 exactly

Bo Burnham - Social Brand Consultant (Official Audio)
Bo Burnham - Social Brand Consultant (Official Audio)

Bo Burnham - Social Brand Consultant (Official Audio) From the Netflix special INSIDE Lyrics: Hello, my name is Bo Burnham. And I am a former comedian, turned social brand consultant. It’s a very exciting time to be a, uh, brand. It’s also a bit of a scary time because customers expect a lot more from their brands than they did in the past. During this incredibly necessary and overdue social reckoning that we’re having in our culture, it is no longer acceptable for brands to stay out of the conversation. Consumers want to know, “Are you willing to use your brand awareness to effect positive social change?” Which will create more brand awareness. The question I ask the brands I work with is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is… “Are you gonna be on the right side of history?” The question isn’t, “What are you selling?” Or… or “What service are you providing?” The question is, “What do you stand for?” Who are you, Bagel Bites? All these big companies, they’re so scared of all this social change, and I come in and I put their fears to rest. You know, I tell them, “Just be honest. Tell your customers that… that JPMorgan is against racism.” In theory. The question is no longer, “Do you want to buy Wheat Thins?” For example. The question is now, “Will you support Wheat Thins in the fight against Lyme disease?” There’s no sugarcoating it. The world is… f**ked up. And you’ve got a choice as a brand. You can… hide and bury your head in the sand and hope it fixes itself, or you can roll up your sleeves and get to work, and sell Butterfingers.


Which is why it continues to be ironic that the protestors do not see Hamas as the central problem


the only thing that will guarantee peace--the only thing that *ever has* guaranteed peace--is a community of prosperous, liberal democracies. a nation permanently under siege will never become a prosperous, peaceful democracy. this is the simple truth.

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Dr. Samantha Hancox-Li
writer and game designer. liberal, progressive liberal, neonliberal. associate editor at liberal currents. she/her.
2.7k followers138 following5.6k posts