Stephanie Kollmann
law, policy, Illinoisances
553 followers370 following2.6k posts

It seems clear to me that Israel has unleashed an unapologetic rampage in part because it expects the empathy of the world/fealty of the US on the October 7 anniversary. As a reminder, people (all people) deserve empathy but governments (all governments) never do.

Reposted by Stephanie Kollmann

The answer to this puzzle just landed on me like a ton of bricks (and I feel foolish). Elon Musk wants to boost Tesla sales with punitive taxes on foreign EVs


Some things really are astonishingly better than they were just 20 years ago.


Along these lines, I think of the fact that there are almost certainly new lawyers currently clerking for federal judges who started law school after watching John Eastman's January 6th speech and nodding along.


TIL what moondrop grapes look like 😳

Reposted by Stephanie Kollmann

The indirect benefits of free lunches

Screenshot of a tweet taken from yet another social network but summarize that it is a note to summarize a quote of a quote here a paper from the National Bureau of economic research showing a result that free lunch programs reduce the amount that parents spend at grocery stores which makes grocery stores cut their prices because demand is down and so everyone in the area gets lower grocery prices
Reposted by Stephanie Kollmann

FTP has a new zine "Public Libraries 101." It's free to read and also to make copies to share in your communities.

Reposted by Stephanie Kollmann

If you're upset by art not being damaged in protest against climate change, I can only imagine how furious you'll be at the actual damage to art caused by climate change.

Rothko Chapel Closes Indefinitely After Hurricane Damage | Artnet News
Rothko Chapel Closes Indefinitely After Hurricane Damage | Artnet News

The Rothko Chapel, which features murals by painter Mark Rothko, will close after sustaining damage during Hurricane Beryl.

Reposted by Stephanie Kollmann

This is obscene. The Biden administration effectively ended asylum as we know it in June and is now planning updates to that executive order that would make it impossible for the restrictions to be lifted. Ever. An utter betrayal of the U.S. commitment to human rights.

Biden moving forward with plan to cement asylum restrictions at U.S.-Mexico border
Biden moving forward with plan to cement asylum restrictions at U.S.-Mexico border

The Biden administration is planning to issue a regulation to cement the sweeping asylum restrictions it enacted at the southern border over the summer.

Stephanie Kollmann
law, policy, Illinoisances
553 followers370 following2.6k posts